A Shattered Recognition

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And only you
Shatter me
Like no one else can
I built a barricade
That for most
It would take many men
Just to dent
But you come in
You kick it down
Like it is nothing
Than shatter my confidence
And watch
as my emotions bleed out
You destroy me
Which no one else can do
Many may think they know
Where this story
Is going to go
But see like some
You were much worse
And got better
But you see
that's not even close
To the best part
See the best
The part that
Makes you different
So different from many
Is your heart
You want nothing
But the best for me
And you have a clue
What that is
You don't want
To be like this
And I know that so well
You always
Have the best intentions
And you know
what's right and wrong
Your heart is on the right path
Unlike so many others
And because of that
I can forgive the rest
So thank you
For trying your best

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