There Was a Boy

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authors notes:

a) this and the next poem were actually the first poems I ever wrote

b) this is exaggerated a bit


There was a boy.

His life was pretty good

But then at the age of two his parents split up.

Then for the next ten years there was a constant battle between his parents

And he was caught in the crossfire.

When he started school they said he had been given a gift from God.

He was a genius.

But was it really a blessing

Or was it a curse that was going to torment him for the rest of his life?

Because he was short,

He was skinny,

And in grade 2 he got glasses.

He was the nerd.

The target of all the names the kids at school could come up with.

He was called them all.

He was picked last even in the sports he was good at.

As he grew so did the creativity of the names he was called

But in the last couple years of elementary the bullying started to die down.

Life was good

But then he went to high school

And the bullying started all over again.

He was made fun of for everything even stuff that wasn't true

The world was a battleground and he was being shot at from all sides

And the names were like bullets piercing through his skin.

But he pushed through.

Through all the hate.

Through all the words.

Through all the names.

He pushed through.

Because it was a gift

And he knew it would get better.

Despite what everyone else called him

Nerd. Geek. Dork. Loser. Dweeb.

And he was called them all.

But he pushed through,

And so can you.

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