The Jump

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Your pain
It hurts
I know it does
Because not only have I been there
I see the pain in your eyes
Your despair is like knives
Stabbing into me as I look into you
Your choice
The choice to jump
Into the bottomless pit
Filled with death and despair
It's your choice if you want to jump
But I'm going to grab your hand
Not to stop you
But to give you another 5 seconds
Just to think
To think what this means
Because it's more than you realize
I know you might be scared
But this means forever
When you hit the ground
Of this bottomless pit
No one will find you
And it's not even worth looking
Because you're gone
Lost to eternity
So I say just before you jump
Take 5 seconds to think
Because I may not always be there
To catch you in time

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