Part B/2: Party & Animosity

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>>>>>Picture of Demond, Eric, and Chris On The Side>>>>>>>

          I sighed in relief once we pulled up to the mall. Demond being here was so unexpected but most of all annoying. Once Chicago got us to stop arguing I kicked his seat for most of the ride. Childish or not i don't care, but Tyler always get's the last laugh. I stepped out of Chicago's Hummer and stretched from the crowded little ride. It wouldn't have been so crowded if Demond hadn't pushed the seat back on me. Kayla just was into her music the entire way to the mall. She tried to stay clear of me and Demond's shit, which I guess I understood. She know's the history between me and Demond, and says that's a battle I'll have to handle on my own. Quite the wise child if you ask me. 

     Kayla walked around to my side and we started walking when I almost tripped. I looked back to see what had been in the way and saw Demond chuckling. "You are too old for that," I barked. "And your ass is too old to be kicking seat's," he replied simply before walking around us and towards Chicago. "Okay girls," Chicago started coming around the front of the car, "I'm going to leave you with my card. Don't go over board, and I will be checking the outfit before we leave the mall today. I'll be back to pick you guys up around six so don't be all day," he finished handing me his card. "Thank you," I smiled sweetly before grabbing Kayla's hand and heading to the mall. "And buy yourself another teddy bear, because you're not keeping that one," Chicago called after me. 

      I waved goodbye and continued walking to the mall. "I don't get the whole teddy bear thing," Kayla said confused. "That goes with the territory of understanding Chicago, so trust me you'll never get it," I replied truthfully. 

        Kayla and I went in over several stores and before we knew it, it was past six and Chicago was calling! I bought three new outfits, and two new pairs of shoes. Thankfully me and my mother both wear a size seven so even if I changed my mind on my shoe wear last minute, I have two entire closets of opportunity. I'd bought Kayla the outfit she liked against her wishes and now she was pouting. I mean i know her mom has money and everything but due to the situation she's in, her mother thinks she's being taken care of appropriately, but she's not. Kayla's dad spends all his work money on liquor and prostitutes. He'll rarely put groceries in the house, unless he gives Kayla money to go grocery shopping while he's sober. "Stop mopping my boogie," I teased making kissey faces at Kayla as we walked to the mall's exit. I kept my attention on Kayla as dudes would stare  us hard in our faces. There had been a couple of guys who stepped to us earlier but since then nothing.

       I was surprised by that, and by the fact that Chicago had let us come alone. He usually follows us around mugging the shit out of any guy that looks our way. He's like this big ass bodyguard, but I guess he finally understands I'm growing up!  This was a big step for him and I was glad he had something to do too. We walked outside and Chicago was parked right in the front with his windows down and sitting on his cell talking. I looked at my watch and knew we were going to get it for making him wait. I opened the trunk and put our bags in there, and also noticed my teddy just thrown back here. I rolled my eyes and slammed the trunk. I got in the back with Kayla and we sat there waiting while Chicago stayed on the phone. I was just about to ask him why we hadn't pulled off when the door next to me opened and the passenger door too. 

    Both Demond and Elijah slid into the car. I'd thought I saw Elijah, but then I figured I was just tripping. Now I know why Chicago had just left us. He'd had these two following us around at a distance. "What's up, Tyler, Kayla," Elijah smiled and waved. I folded my arms and rolled my eyes. Here I was thinking Chicago was loosening the leash when really he still had a tight grip. "Don't mind her. Her attitude has been shit all day," Demond said making me and Chicago glare at him. "Your attitude ain't been shit nigga, fuck you," I barked annoyed. "Watch your mouth both of you," Chicago snapped! I sucked my teeth and looked out of Kayla's window. I didn't want to be bothered with any of these fools. I tucked my head into Kayla's shoulder and got comfortable. When the car started moving I blocked out everything and fell asleep just like that. 

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