Part E: Eye to Eye

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>>>>> Picture on the side of Tyler and Tracey>>>>>>>>

      I put the pitcher of orange juice back in the fridge, and brought the glass of orange juice to Chicago. "Thank you, baby," he said pulling me into his lap and kissing me. I giggled, "Stop that," I slapped his chest, as his hands ran over my thighs. "Good morning," Tyler walked into the dining room. I was still giving her the silent treatment after what happened last week. I still couldn't believe Tyler would do something that dumb, even if she was trying to protect her friend. She could have ended up just like Diamond, and I would have been heart broken!

       "Morning Lil miss," Chicago replied. I on the other hand just got up and went in the kitchen to get her, her plate and cup of Almond milk. "Mom, seriously," Tyler whined. I sat her things down in the dining room and then walked out. "Tracey," Chicago called out to me. I ignored the two of them and went in my room. I was lying in my bed watching the morning news when, Chicago came in and layed across the front of my bed. " How long are you going to ignore her. That wasn't in that parenting book I gave you," he joked. Now, it was his turn to be ignored. I folded my arms as he began rubbing my feet.

    "If you think about it, Tyler was pretty brave. Doing what she did and all. You keep saying Tyler could have been treated like Diamond, but if Tyler wasn't there, Nina could have ended up like Diamond. I bet you think about our friend everyday, huh?" I looked at Chicago but didn't reply as the tears built up in my throat. "Would you really want Tyler to have the rape or the death of her friend on her conscious? I mean it probably seemed like the right thing to do," he said massaging my toes. "I don't mean to sound selfish, but Nina isn't my child! What if China had done something like this," I asked a nodding Chicago? "Honestly I would have been mad too, grounded her and maybe even smacked her like you did! But Tyler's a bright young lady. After thinking about all the steps she took, its obvious its not something she wanted to do but something she saw as necessary at the time. Right," he asked?

         When Chicago looked up at me from under those eye lashes, I sighed knowing he was right. I was just being hard on her because she's my only daughter, and I didn't want anything to happen to her. If it were up to me to pick and choose her friends I would, but Tyler would have to learn on her own like I did. I groaned and grabbed a pillow covering my face with it. "But its been so nice not having to listen to her whine and hear her ask for stuff," I screamed into the pillow. Chicago laughed and grabbed my legs pulling them open to get between them. He grabbed the pillow and threw it to the side. "Well I have an idea that might make that stay the same, and keep Tyler away from those troublesome friends too," Chicago said making me raise an eyebrow? "What's that," I asked? "Two words, summer job!"



        As long as my mom was giving me the silent treatment is how long I'm not talking to Nina, times ten! My mom has never been this mad at me before, I mean she literally slapped the hell out of me and didn't care! She kept blasting on me like nothing happened! I sighed and realized when jumping in that car with Nina, I hadn't thought about my mom and how worried she'd be. I was only trying to save stupid old Nina's life. After I finished eating my breakfast, I went in the kitchen and washed my dishes. I jumped when I heard my mom call me, and to say I was shocked was an understatement.

        I ran to her bedroom where Chicago was sitting on her bed next to her, holding an envelope. "Your talking to me now," I asked timidly. Instead of answering she nudged Chicago and he held out the envelope to me. I took it afraid of it being a one way shot to military school, or something. I opened it and did find a ticket, but to Miami, Florida! "Oh my God we're going to Florida," I screamed jumping up and down."No you are," Chicago said making my excitement disappear. What were they up to? "I bet your wondering what's the catch, right," Chicago chuckled. The question must have been covering my face. "Does there have to be one," I asked?.

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