Promise Me {Iwaoi}

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"Well this is it huh? The end of an era."

"What are you talking about?"

"This is where we split up for good. This is where it stops. Where we stop."

"You're not dying Tooru."

"True. I may not but once we step out there it's practically over."

"Could you stop being so depressing! We're not going to split up. We're childhood friends, childhood friends never split up. Ever ."

"We're soulmates aren't we Hajime?"


"What you don't believe in soulmates either?!"

"Trashykawa, I don't believe in over half the stuff that comes out of your mouth. You should know that by now."

"Yeah but still, Hajime, soulmates."

"What about it."

"Like it or not, we're soulmates."

"What makes you think that?"

"Who said I thought, I know we're soulmates."

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever you say."

"Iwaizumi Hajime."

Iwaizumi walked up onto the podium and received his diploma,shaking the professors hand and pausing for a picture. On the outside he looked happy to be graduating, happy to be starting university, happy for a little change in his life. No one saw the inside, no one needed to see the inside. No one is going to see the inside. No one . Not even his beloved Tooru, especially not Tooru.

Yes, Iwaizumi and Oikawa were going to separate universities, yes the inseparable pair was being separated. But to Iwaizumi and Oikawa that was only a small bump in the road, nothing compared to what they've been through together. Iwaizumi knew they could do it. Long distance relationships may be hard, but it wasn't impossible, nothing was impossible. 

"Oikawa Tooru"

And so this was it, this was the great finale, and the beginning of a career. The beginning of something new, the beginning of a new chapter. The beginning of the struggle that Oikawa knew was going to come. H shook the professor's hand and smiled for the camera. 

Keep smiling Tooru, don't be weak. The weaklings are only a burden, you can do this. Don't show everyone the truth, you can't, you won't.

Don't. Be. A. Burden. 

Once the ceremony was over everyone was celebrating with family and friends, happy to be able to say, "I survived three years in hell."

Oikawa and Iwaizumi were no exception. They joked around with their friends, Hanamaki and Matsukawa,

"So America huh Oikawa?", Matsukawa said as he placed an arm around Tooru.

"Yeah, America..."

"You're gonna be so far away though. and you're leaving Hajime with us?", Hanamaki said as he ruffled Iwaizumi's hair which earned him a punch.

"True, true, but he's capable of living without me for a few moths.", Oikawa said as he walked over to Iwaizumi and placed his arms around his shoulders, placing his head on top of Iwaizumi's.  

"Oh honey we're not worried about Hajime here, we're worried about you.", Hanamaki and Matsukawa said at the same time.

"I'll be fine guys, I won't be living alone, Daichi and Suga will be living with me too."

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