Weakness (Bokuaka)

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"And of course we'll Skype every single day and when I come home for the holidays you'll be the first person I will go see because I mean I love my family but you are my family!"

I looked over at him and smiled softly.

"And I'll be sure to come down on your birthday, no matter what happens!"

I nod silently.

"And I'll bring you flowers every time and they won't be roses because I know how much you hate roses!"

I simply stare at him. Him with his eyes filled with hope and excitement. Of course I understand why, he's going off to university for crying out loud. And not just any university, he'll be going to the United States. I always knew he was a mathematician nerd. He'd always deny it saying he's only making sure he's got the right answer, but seeing all those equations mixed in with variables would make anyone's brain turn to mush. But not his, of course he took pride in his intelligence, or at least now he does. He always hated being smart, always dumbed himself down to the point where no one thought he could survive one minute alone. I helped him prove them all wrong.

"Keiji are you listening?", he asked, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, yeah sorry Kotaro . Just reminiscing on the memories you know."

"Oh come on Keiji I still have two weeks to spend with you and believe me I will spend every living second of those with you. Or at least every humanly possible one.", he said as he adjusted his glasses in his head.

"Of course Kotaro"

He hugged me and for a minute I stood there, stiff, until he said a small phrase he said once when I freaked out.

"Bokuto I'm going to fail this and then I'll fail the class and I'll get held back. Do you think any college would even look at me if they knew I failed something as simple as GEOMETRY?!?"

Papers were scattered around the room, triangles, proofs, angles, and many parallelograms decorated sheets of paper, notebook paper, graph paper, and copy paper. Each paper was colored with reds, greens, blues, purples, and many other colors.

Food crumbs littered the floor and even some portions of the bed, Beethoven playing softly in the background because "classical music helped the human brain focus and retain information" according to Bokuto. Pencils, pens, rulers, and compasses, some broken, some barely in tact and some still in their packages. Brought home gratefully by Bokuto because Akaashi can "be aggressive when frustrated"

"Akaashi, it'll be ok. Exams aren't until next week, we still have all of this week and until Wednesday night to study. You'll be fi-"

"That's easy for you to say! Your parents are geniuses Bokuto! They taught you everything you needed to know years before you needed to! You comprehend these things easily! Me? I live on my own MY MOTHER IS A DRUNK AND I WORK TWO JOBS TO PAY THE BILLS AND I HAVE RAISED MY SISTER MYSELF!"

"Akaashi calm down, please. You're gonna wake Elizabeth up."

Bokuto looked over at a small girl in a night gown, sleeping peacefully on the bed, sleek black hair braided back by Bokuto because "it'll make my hair super curly tomorrow morning!"

"I don't care anymore Bokuto. This is my life, working to give her a better future. She's six Bokuto, SIX and here I am trying to give her a better life than what I had to deal with. She sleeps with me because I don't trust here in her own room with my mother wandering the house at 3 in the morning with whatever drunken man she picks up off the side of the road."

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