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"I hate you."

"I hate you more."


"I am not a liar"

"Are too."



"I didn't know we were talking about you here."

"Oh honey, at least I get attention without having to as for it."

Hinata chuckled as he could hear Kageyama's audible gasp as he walked up to their table with three ice cream cones.

"Well played."

"Thank you."

"Since when did either of you get so sassy?" Hinata asked as he handed the two their cones.



"Of course. Don't let mom hear you talk like that or you'll get grounded."


The trio had decided to go on a little "adventure". It had started out with a simple date between the two, now third years, but Natsu said that she needed to go and get a new eye shadow pallet that had come out this week. Kageyama was perfectly okay with it, taking into consideration that it was Natsu they were talking about.

Of course, Kageyama and Natsu grew close throughout the two years Kageyama and Hinata have been dating. The two had gone from barely making eye contact without Hinata there to becoming best friends and even ignoring Hinata at one point. Natsu had convinced Kageyama to try eyeliner, and Hinata has never felt so grateful of a sibling like he did when Kageyama walked into school the next day.

"Ok. We have gone to the park, we got ice-cream. I think our adventure is complete.", Kageyama said as he looked over at Hinata winking at him.

Hinata nodded and replied, "Yup. I think today has been very successful. I say we go home now."

"Bitch take that back.", Natsu said, pointing her spoon at Hinata, "I am not afraid to cut a bitch."

"Okay~ I say we stop hanging out with Tsukkishima.", Hinata said as he slowly lowered Natsu's spoon down so it touched the table.

Kageyama was currently slapping the table and laughing loudly earning a few stares from people., "Oh my god, that was perfect. I feel proud, Tsukkishima would be proud."

Natsu settled back down as she connected all the pieces together, "You were just kidding about going home? Right?"

Kageyama calmed down and placed his elbow on the table, placing his chin in his palm, "Of course, I need some new eyeliner anyways, I'm running low."



Kageyama and Hinata had just walked in and Natsu had already pounced on the pallet. They looked at each other and simply chuckled.

"First off, language young lady, I am the one paying for that pallet so I suggest that you tone down the excitement. Second, liquid, gel, or pencil.", Kageyama simply stated.

Natsu shook her head and tapped her finger on her chin, "Depends, do you want to stab your eye or not?"

"Ok then, liquid or gel."

"How good are you at this lining of the eye sir?"

"Have you seen this wing? I could cut a bitch with a blink of an eye."


Hinata just stood back in awe at how he got so lucky. Not only to have such an amazing sister like Natsu, bit how he got lucky enough to have Kageyama as a boyfriend. Especially how lucky he was to see that his family loved Kageyama almost as much as he did himself.

"Hey lover boy, could you not drool over him like that?" a deep voice sad from behind him.

"HUH? Kuroo?"

"Hey Hey HEy!"


"How come you weren't as loud when you said my name?!?! Hashtag triggered much?"

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Well, Akaashi said he needed some more makeup and that he didn't have enough time to go and buy some and he was really sad about. So me, being the best husband there ever was to exist, have decided to come and buy him some."

"That doesn't explain Kuroo being here."

"I know more about makeup than you think shrimpy."

"Speaking of, what are YOU doing here ay?"

Hinata scooted over to the side so that Kuroo and Bokuto could see Kageyama and Natsu trying out some of the eye shadow pallets on display.

"Dude! Is that your sister?"

"Yeah why?"

"She's like you, but then again, not you.", Bokuto said, eyes wide.

"Yeah I get that a lot."

"You're lucky I'm taken, or I'd be all over that.", Kuroo said as he turned around to look for what Akaashi might need.

Hinata's face went red and he was about to go over to where Kuroo had walked when Bokuto's arm stopped him, "Tone it down shrimpy. He's proposing to Kenma tonight so he's like super nervous which is the main reason I brought him with me, Akaashi doesn't actually need makeup. Makeup just kinda calms him down. It's weird, but Kenma said that when he gets worked up or is in a bad mood he'll put makeup on Kenma and he's really good at it too."

"Is he actually?"



"I have to go now, I'll tell you how it all went later tonight! Bye shrimpy!", and with that Bokuto was off.

Hinata turned around to see that Kageyama and Natsu had finished and were walking towards him.

"Who was that?", Kageyama asked as he wrapped his arm around Hinata's waist, placing a small kiss on the top of his head.

"Just Bokuto and Kuroo. They're looking for makeup because Akaashi needs it."

"Bitch please, Akaashi is flawless. What's the real reason?", Natsu said as she made her way to towards the register.

Hinata chuckled and walked over to the register behind Natsu, "Well, Kuroo's gonna propose to Kenma and apparently he's been really nervous, so Bokuto brought him here to try and get his mind off of it all for a little bit."

"Awwww. My ships are sailing.", Natsu said as Kageyama paid for the items.

"You do know how messed up it is that you are pairing your brothers friends up?", Kageyama asked as he handed her the bag.

"I have no idea what you are talking about.", Natsu said, taking the bag.

"Yes you do."

"Fight me."

"You wanna go?"

"Right here. Right now."

"Come at me bro!"

"Hinata hold my phone."

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