Stop Being My Friend {Kuroken}

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"I want these."

Kuroo looked over and saw that Kenma had a big bag of potato chips almost as big as him raised up for Kuroo to see, his head peeking out from the side looking at Kuroo. He slowly started to smile at how cute he looked and started to chuckle.

"But why would you want such a big bag of chips?"

"So I won't have to open a new bag up in the middle of my game."

Kuroo looked at Kenma in shock, did this boy really just say that?

"You know I could just come over to  your house and open up the bags for you right? I mean that's what friends are for."


That word was so hard to say for Kuroo because he knew he wanted to be more than just friends. He didn't want Kenma to be anyone else's. He shouldn't be, but Kuroo can't do much about anything because he knows for a fact that Kenma is straight.

Sure he may have never dating anyone as long as Kuroo ca remember, but he does talk about girls like any other straight person would.


Kuroo looked up to see that Kenma was now in front of him, chip bag no longer in his hand. Kenma was looking at Kuroo with a worried look.

"What is it?"

"So can I get the chip bag or not?"

Kuroo and Kenma walked to Kenma's house, Kuroo holding most of the grocery bags and Kenma carrying the chip bag as if it ere a child, a smile spread across his face.

"I honestly don't see why I agree to go on these grocery shopping adventures with you Kenma.", Kuroo said as they walked.

"Simple. You love me."


"I- I mean- you wouldn't want me to have to carry all of these bags by myself and risk getting my arms broken.", Kenma said as he looked away from Kuroo, not daring to show him his bright red face.

"Oh uh, um yeah. wouldn't want our precious setter getting hurt.", Kuroo looked away, feeling his face start to heat up.

Kenma and Kuroo walked the rest of the way home in silence. Kenma looking away from Kuroo and vice versa.

Once they got to Kenma's house, Kenma broke the silence.

"Wanna sleep over?"

"Huh? Are you sure? I mean, I know my parent's wouldn't mind, but would yours? And I don't have my things, I'd have to go back to my house to get them."

Kenma gave Kuroo his signature, 'are you kidding me' , "Ok, Kuroo, first of all, if you look directly behind you, you will see your house in all its glory. And second of all, my parents are out of town for the rest of the month for a business trip.", Kenma said the last sentence in a whisper due to embarrassment  because Kuroo knows how Kenma feels about being by himself for a long period of time.

Once Kuroo heard the last sentence he stared at Kenma with wide eyes, Kenma never stayed somewhere by himself for long. He slowly placed the bags of groceries on the floor. He smiled at Kenma and slowly lifted his chin up with one finger.

"I'd love to sleep over. Let me put the groceries in the kitchen and I'll go get my things."

Kenma looked at Kuroo with a similar soft smile as he watched him pick the bags back up


Kuroo just hummed in response and signaled for Kenma to open the door because his arms were going to fall off. Kenma quickly opened the door and let Kuroo in first.
Once the groceries were placed on the counter Kuroo looked over at Kenma.
"I'll only be a few minutes."

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