Kagehina (Angst)

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    A/N: Hey, so sorry I have been pretty inactive lately, school gots me hours hunched over homework but I finally have some free time.

So as a gift from me to you, Here's something to make you cry. 

Im so sorry, I don't know why I'm like this

 "And so once you meet the love of your life, once you meet the true love of your life, the world you know, will be splashed with color. Little droplets will decorate the dark grays, they'll turn into blues and greens. The light grays will turn into yellow and orange and everything beautiful. But you need to promise me that no matter what happens, you will keep your soulmate close to your heart. You will never let them go and will cherish them with all your being.Promise me Tobio, darling, that you will love with all you can love with." 

"Yes. Papa."

A week had passed after my dad said that. And in that week I stayed in my room, I didn't think much about. I just sat there and watched volleyball reruns of my dad's team quietly, my headphones in my ears to block out my mom wailing in the room next door. I sat there, zoning out every now and then because, who wouldn't when they continuously watch videos all day. My aunt would come over everyday and make me food. I never enjoyed her food much, it was too bland and had no flavor. I preferred my dad's food, he was always a good chef. I really do miss his cooking. I look over at my mom who just stared at her food with a blank expression on her face. 

"Eat up Tobio. You need to be extra string since you're the new man of the house!", my aunt would say, making me giggle. 

"Ok auntie.", I would say as I ate my food and talked about my day at school, "So today we got to make paper airplanes and throw them out of our classroom windows! Mine went the farthest and I won a chocolate bar.", dad always liked to hear about my school days. 

"That's wonderful dear! Did you eat it all?", my aunt would say as she ate her food, a soft smile on her face.

"No. I still have it all.", I got down from my chair, my slippers hitting the ground with a soft thud as I slid off my seat, "Excuse me."

I walked to my room and went straight to my backpack. I took out the chocolate bar and walked back to the dining room table where my mom and aunt sat at. I walked up to my mom and placed the chocolate bar next to her bowl of soup, "For you mama."

Mom looked at me, her eyes glistening as she opened her arms, asking for a hug, "Oh my sweet Tobio, thank you so much. I will be sure to share this with you later during dessert.", she whispered in my ear as she held me close. I nestled my head in the crook of her neck and wrapped my arms around her. i felt small drips of water on my neck as I heard a soft sniffle. I didn't dare let go. 

"I love you mom."

"I love you more, Tobio.", she said as she sat me on her lap."

I wiped away her tears and kissed her nose, "Well I love you the most."

She lightly tapped my nose like dad would and placed her forehead against mine, "Well I love you the mostest."

More years passed to when I was around 15. I was about to start high school and boy was I excited. I had been accepted into Karasuno, the school of the Little Giant.  I've heard so many stories about him and I was always told by my father that behind an amazing ace, is always a well gifted setter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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