Chapter 4: Protect her

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It's been 2 weeks since the brothers lived together and as of now, things are going smoothly. Of course there are some misunderstandings and arguments but still, they managed to resolve the conflicts. They are also starting to get to know each other which is a good thing. 

It's Monday morning as I woke up at exactly 5am. I washed up and went to the kitchen to cook for breakfast when I suddenly saw someone on the kitchen. It turned out to be Jin.

"Oppa." I said, surprised to see him early in the morning.

"Good Morning, Eunha." He greeted with a sweet smile.

"What are you doing?" I asked him

"Well, I decided to cook breakfast." He nonchalantly answered

"Wait! You shouldn't do that! It's my job to serve you guys!" I answered as I immediately stopped him from cooking.

"Eunha, let me do it. I know you're tired so you should sleep more." Jin oppa said which made me feel touched.

"I don't want to go back to sleep. I'll just help you." I offered

"Well, if you insist." Jin oppa shrugged as I smiled at him and helped him cook for breakfast.

I woke up earlier than usual. Well that's new because I am the type of person who usually stays at the bed for whole 20 hours. I looked at the clock which shows 5:20AM. I groaned inwardly. I wanted to go back to sleep but my body doesn't want to. With no choice, I chose to wash up and went downstairs.

I slowly walked downstairs as I can see the lights are opened in the kitchen. Thinking that it must be Eunha, I went closer when I suddenly heard a guy's voice, which seems to be Jin hyung's voice. It made me interested. I went closer but made sure that I'll be unnoticed. I eavesdrop to their conversation.

"Oppa, stop it!" Eunha said which made me curious on what they are doing. I looked over to see Jin hyung putting some sauce into her face as she tries her best to avoid him. Looking at them, they look really sweet as if they are in a relationship. It really bothers me to see them like this. Since before, I already noticed that something is going on between this two and it made me more curious. Jin hyung seems to know a lot about Eunha. I also observed that Eunha calls him oppa but calls us young master for no reason. I feel like they know each other before they met here in the mansion and it makes me frustrated since I have lots of questions in mind but I don't have answers for them. And Eunha, I really find her interesting.

I decided to let them be and went back to my room. But as soon as I walked closer to the stairs, I noticed a shadow. I immediately went up to see who it was but failed. I climbed upstairs only to see the person gone. I was about to enter my room when I noticed that the door in Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook's room is slightly open. Well, obviously it's among the three of them. But what made me think was that, did he also saw what's going on between Jin and Eunha?

After cooking with Jin oppa, I immediately went upstairs to wake the boys up. Luckily, out of all days, today must be the easiest day for me as I didn't had to struggle waking up the boys. With just one call, they instantly woke up, surprising me. I guess this will be a good morning.

They all washed up immediately and went downstairs to grab some breakfast. I looked at them and saw that they are only 5.

"Where is young master Jungkook and Hoseok?" I asked them.

"I think Jungkook is still in the bathroom as for Hoseok hyung, he told me he isn't feeling well." Taehyung answered.

"Is that so?" I asked as I looked at the stairs, waiting for them to come down. Soon after, Jungkook appeared

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