katy and Maya talk

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"He says he has a girlfriend and then kisses you and you kiss back"i said folding my arms
"Yes mom I know it's wrong and I know you got cheated on but i can't help it." she says flipping her hair to the other side.


Maya POV

"What do you mean can't help it" my mom asked me. I kinda felt uncomfortable having this conversation with Shawn right next to her so I looked at her then Shawn then looked down to show that I'm very uncomfortable. "Shawn sweetie can you let us have a girl talk?" she asked him.

"Sure I'll be in the.......... Studio?" he said more like questioned. "Ok sweetie see you in a bit" she said giving him a look like she was asking him something telepathically. I looked back at Shawn and he nodded as if he understood her look. Woah. Can I just say couple goals.

"Ok what's so important you felt uncomfortable to tell me in front of Shawn?"she asked me oh God am I really gonna tell her.

"Back to what I was saying I know it's wrong but I can't help it. Its like the saying how can something so wrong feel so right." I explained sitting on the couch.

"I know what you mean but I also know how it hurts i don't want anybody else to feel that pain. Finding out that you boyfriend/husband is cheating on you." she said sitting down with me. "Look I know mom but he makes me happy I can be myself around him please mom just let this go." I said waiting for her to give in. "FINE I'll let you but if I come home to you two making out on the kitchen island again it's off." she said Which made me blush and get all flustered. "You saw that?" I stuttered

"Me and Shawn saw all of it when I say clean the house it doesn't mean for you to blow flour and pour water on each other dumb heads"she said getting up

"actually that's why Shawn said he didn't like Lucas cause we saw that. He was ok with the playing but when he saw Lucas pick you up from behind and put you on the counter I knew I had to get him out of there." she said going to the kitchen. "Wow I'm sorry I didn't know you guys were watching I didn't even hear the door open.

"Maya can I ask you a question?"
She asked. But yet I have a feeling it's when me and Lucas were coming down from my room. When we were.... Alone.... Together..... In my bedroom..... Oh no...."go ahead" I replied regretting it "what were you and Lucas doing up there in your bedroom?" I knew it. "NOTHING I swear he asked me to sing a song for him so I song him one of my songs."I answered

"Oh what song"she asked all fangirly "um he asked me to sing too young" I answered confused about why she's acting like this. "Oh I love that one it's one of my favorites." she complimented. "Thanks mom." "no problem baby girl"

Hi the next two chapters are gonna be in the exact same time frame Maya and Katy had the conversation just in different POV's to show you guys what happened with Shawn and then with Lucas and Riley and his mom

I don't know why I update so late it's 1:48 in Texas and I can never fall asleep so I write does anybody else do that please let me know

This chapter is way shorter than what I usually post I didn't even go past 700 words I usually go over 1000 but there was nothing else to put I also need to stop posting such damn long chapters

I Just got my hair dyed today it's a ombre brown to blonde

All together: 666 words


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