Riley and Lucas date

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Riley POV

If she won't come back to me I'll go to her. My thoughts were interrupted by Lucas "you ready to go." he asked me "yeah I am" I look closer and notice red marks on his neck that I didn't give him. I would confront him about it but I don't give a shit. You know how many times I've cheated on him with Charlie, still it's not Farkle but maybe one day it will be him.

He got to the place which is just olive garden. I love olive garden and he knows this. "So babe I know this is our date but what are we going to do about Maya" Lucas asks me.

"I have no idea. What are we going to do about those hickeys on your neck." Damn it Riley you don't care why the fuck did you bring it up. Lucas froze and got real tense "I'm kidding I know there from me" smooth one Riley.

I went to kiss his neck and give him a new hickey but while doing so I tasted vanilla which is what Maya uses vanilla chapstick. The pieces are slowly coming together.

When we get in there we go to our seats Lucas pulling my chair out for me. "I also have detention tomorrow" he says when he sits down. "Okay anybody else you know that has detention" I ask "yeah Maya" he says I have now grown really suspicious. "Oh are you going to practice with her too after school" I asked "yeah we have to practice this whole week. I'm sorry Riley I didn't choose to be put with Maya you have to understand that" he explained "yeah okay let's stop talking about Maya this is our date" I said looking at my menu.

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