dying to see you again

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee. Today is Saturday, I don't have to worry about anything.

Mom was cooking breakfast, while my stepdad was in the living room watching the news. It's too early for me to talk to anyone so I sneak a few pieces of bacon and head back to my room.

I sit on my bed and hear my phone chime. I started to smile when I knew who could be texting me, but my smile fades away when I see it's just Leah.

I need to talk to you. Come over.

Uh oh. What did I do now.

I got dressed for the day, and head downstairs. I was almost out the door, until my mom stops me.

"I thought you were staying at Leah's house last night?" she asks.

"I, changed my mind." My mom might not know that I went to a party last night.

"Well your dad and I are leaving for Louisiana next Friday, we have to get some more things from the house and finish some paperwork." I roll my eyes, she's always the most.

"How long will ya'll be gone?"

My step dad walks in and answers. "About a week, you'll be okay by yourself right?"

"Oh. Yeah. I could invite Leah over or go to her place. I'll be fine."

They both nod. "Don't have anyone else over, you know how we feel about that."

"I know, I won't."
On my way to Leah's I remember last night. I never really stopped thinking about the way those lips felt. It's been awhile. I touch my lips, I wish it would happen again. I know that must sound weird, but it's true.

I let myself in and walk straight to her room. She was there on her bed scrolling through her phone.


"Hi." She says sitting up.

"You wanted me to come over. Is everything okay?" I might already know what this is about.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to talk about the party last night." I knew it. I ignore her checking my phone that vibrated in my pocket.

"So, how was it? The party?"she asks raising her eyebrows. Sounds like interrogation. I didn't do anything wrong. I don't know what her deal is.

"It was fun. What is this about Leah?"

She clears her throat. Her expression changes from calm to annoyed in seconds. "I know I was drinking but I know I saw you kissing him last night."

"Kissing who?" I play dumb.

"Harry!" She raises her voice. I have no idea what is happening.

"Yeah I kissed him, well he kissed me. Why are you mad at me for that?" She takes a few breaths calming herself.

"I guess I forgot to mention that I've liked him since eighth grade. I've been trying forever to get his attention." She ducks her head, anger still on her face.

"Leah I'm sorry, I didn't know. All we did was kiss, there's nothing else." There is no way that kiss could go anywhere else, it would never work between us.

Relief feels her face I've never seen her angry before, it's scary. "Are you positive?"

I hesitate. "Yyeah."
After our little argument Leah goes to the bathroom. My phone buzzes, I get up from her bed and walk out to the front patio. It's him. I smile.

I'm dying to see you again Charlie.

Apart of me wanted to see him too but what kind of friend would I be. Leah would hate me and never trust me again. She's the closest thing I have right now.

He could be texting other girls the same thing right now, but I'll never know. If he was telling he truth, I wouldn't get to know him more. I would be a horrible friend.

We could've really had something, Harry and I.

I press send, hoping she will reply. It's crazy, shes all I can think about every minute of the day. I just want to hear her voice and hopefully kiss her again.

I hear my phones message tone and quickly check it. It's her, I smile.

That's sweet, but I cant. Don't text again, I'm sorry.

My smile falls as I stare at her negative message. I know she felt the same thing when we kissed. I just don't understand. Maybe she's playing a game, playing hard to get.

Obviously she doesn't want my attention. I need to give up, but somethings tell me not to.

Do you think Leah's telling the truth? Or is she just jealous?

Will Harry get what he wants?

Does Charlie feel the same way about Harry?

Anyways I need some constructive criticism. I hope y'all are enjoying it! xo💋

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