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"I was wandering when you were coming home Styles."

My chest becomes hollow, my heart entering a deep part of my chest. "Kristen?!"

There are so many questions running through my mind. She's the last person I expected to see, actually I didn't expect to see anyone sitting in my tub.

"I knew you'd remember me." I turn my head to avoid looking at her naked body soaking in the water. I feel a tingle below my stomach, temptation. Now is not the time, Styles.

I run my hand through my hair, my eyes looking everywhere around the room but her. "Of course I remember you. How could I forget." I stifle a laugh that I didn't mean to let out. I guess my thoughts got the best of me.

"You kept me waiting long enough." She says with a smirk. My eyes finally meet hers and I furrow my eyebrows. This is crazy. Why am I still standing here.

I reach to grab a towel from the closet and hold it open in front of the bath. "Get out." I simply say.

She groans as I hear the trickling droplets fall off of her body and hit the pool of water. I force myself to look the other way as she steps out. She grabs the towel from me wrapping it around her tan skin. Her eyes follow me around the room making me feel a certain way. She walks past me and into the guest bedroom. I follow behind her, but only to shut the door for her. I lean against the wall in the hallway for her to finish.

I hear the door creek open and my eyes flick to the source of it. I see her wet brown head peak out, "You can come in Styles. I know you have questions."

"No, just hurry up." She rolls her eyes at my response and reacts by grabbing my arm and pulling me into the bedroom. She was always like this, wouldn't take no for an answer. Once I close the door behind me I stare cold at her waiting for answers.

I clear my throat to interrupt the silence in the room as she searches for clothes in a giant duffle bag.

"Why are you here?" I look at her and cock an eyebrow as she laughs.

"I missed you Harry." I grab my hair while pacing to the other side of the room. Someone tell me this isn't happening.

"Y-you missed me?" I shake my head. "You missed me?" She is smiling. "You expect me to believe you Kristen?!" I holler still giving her cold eyes.

Kristen drops her towel, knowing my weakness was always her tiny meaningless tattoos. I scoff bowing my head. She walks over to me grabbing my chin and speaking on my lips, "It's true. I've missed all of you Harry." Her hand caresses where I'm now growing. I close my eyes because I can feel my emotions taking over.

Her lips peck mine slowly. I used to kiss these lips everyday and now it's hard to pull away. She has this control over me and I hate it.

We part and I suck in a large breath. My mind becomes dazed and our lips are smashed together. I remember this, oh it's so good.

Next thing I know we are on the guest bed, Kristen on top off me, ripping my buttoned shirt open. We kiss again each time even sloppier...Everything is dazed, I don't know what is going on. This may sound wrong but I'm thirsty for this to go further. It's been so long. I open my eyes when I feel tightness around my erection, i groan and look up to see her helping herself to me. No, stop now. I can't. Why can't I stop.

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