parent party

88 7 21

2 weeks later
extra long chapter ;)


My mom has been stressing about this dinner for a few weeks now, she always does things last minute. It's actually what woke me up this morning. I heard her screaming because she dropped a wine bottle and shattered it everywhere.

I also found out just yesterday that I was expected to be there tonight. How great.

Sneaking past the ruckus in the kitchen I step out onto the porch and sit on my swing. Now that my parents are back I can't see Harry as much as I used too. It kills me not to see him, but we still talk on the phone as much as we can.

I take my phone out and give him a call. It rings once before he picks up, his voice was all raspy and cute. I can just see him now.

"Good morning beautiful." Harry says huskily. I giggle and feel myself blush, he always does that. I think to myself for a second, trying to figure out what to say next.

"I miss you, Charlie." Those three words shock me and I smile the biggest. "I miss you too."

"I think you should come over tonight, another date like last time?" I lick my lips at the thought but remember my moms dinner.

"That sounds very, very tempting, but my mom needs me home tonight, I get to hang out with all of her business friends." I try to sound enthused.

He groans loudly, "You're killing me love."

"I could always sneak out my window to see you." I joke. "I'll be waiting Charlie." I can hear him smile.

The line gets quiet for a minute and hear noises on his line, a doorbell and someone yelling his name. "Harry?" I ask. "Oh my god." He says. "What? Who is it?" "I think my parents are home, Charlie. I have to go, call me later."

The line clicks to an end and I'm left with questions.

I walk back inside and begin getting ready for tonight.


I peak the front door from the bottom of the stairs and see my parents coming in with their luggage. They've been gone for months now and now they're just back home? I don't understand.

I see my beautiful mum as she calls for my name. I've missed her so much.

I finally walk down to them and flash a big smile.

"Mum." I embrace her and kiss her head, I shake my dads hand and he pulls me into a hug.

"You've gotten muscle, look at him Anne." I laugh taking my mums bags.

"He's also gotten some more tattoos I see." She says grabbing my arm. I smile kissing her head again. "Cmon, lets bring the luggage to your room."
Once both my parents started staying at our old home I took their room. I guess I can stay in the guest room until they're gone. No telling how long they will be staying.

Getting them settled takes up half of the day. I give them some peace and head downstairs to call Charlie back. Before I can my mum sits down next to me.

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