lady friend

45 8 18


Fixing my now sore self, I walk out of Charlie's bedroom. Of ALL the things that could happen I am now face to face with my well as Charlie's parents. How convenient.

A few seconds later Charlie is now beside me, her face pale staring at our parents. This isn't the moment to do this but I find myself stifle a laugh, this is sort of hilarious. "Harry." My mum says with a threatening tone.No one else was amused by the situation.

Finally Charlie speaks. "Mom, Dad. We were just talking." She says her breath heavy.

Mrs. Taylor turns and begins walking downstairs, the look of disappointment on her face. "Mom please!" Charlie follows her.

I stand there alone with my parents and Charlie's dad. Mr. Taylor, arms crossed, staring me down.

I dismiss myself from the awkward silence and head to my car. I might've really fucked this up. Heading home, my parents follow.
Once I arrive home, I head straight to my room. I change into comfier clothes and head to bed.

My mum slowly opens the door, peeking her head in. "H, hon?" she smiles walking over to me sitting on the edge of my bed. I sit up and wait for the lecture of what I did wrong.

"I just have a few questions about the Taylors' little girl. Can you tell me what's going on there?" She gives a faint smile. Little girl? Charlie isn't five years old.

"Mum, I really don't feel like talking about any of this with you. Can you please go?" She nods walking towards the door. "Love you son." "You too."

Turning off my lamp I turn over to my phone. Hovering over Charlie's name I send her a text, I wonder how's she is doing over there.


I look at my wrinkled hands and fingertips from washing all the dishes that were used tonight. Yes, my parents punished me for being irresponsible.

They don't know what happened in my room between us, but I know they have an idea. I'm so stupid for letting the urge take over me. We really couldn't have waited, we HAD to have sex right then and there?

It's too late to change anything now, the deed is done.

I don't regret what happened between us at all. If anything I can't stop thinking about the next time, and the next. Falling out of my thoughts, I realize I'm biting my bottom lip.

I finish the chores I was assigned to do, and head up to my room.

My phone lights up as I get comfortable.
Harry: How are you doing over there?

I smile even though I will most likely be punished for the next few weeks. I call him to hear his voice. It rings once and I hear Harry's voice, "Hello?"

"Hey! I-uh, I'm doing good. Um, what about you?"

I hear him giggle at my stuttering. "I'd be perfect if you were here beside me."

My cheeks become hot. There I go again biting my lip. "I want nothing more than that. I want-um, I hope to see you soon." I smile but it fades quickly, my parents are never going to let me leave the house.

"Very, very soon. I promise." Harry says, and I can almost hear him smiling.

"Goodnight love. Sleep well." The call ends seconds later.

I am left in my thoughts. I like him, so much. It's more than like at this point.

I could possibly love him, but that's crazy.

OH i almost forgot. I SAW HARRY JUNE 5 AND IT WAS THE TIME OF MY LIFE!! okay bye xo

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