Chapter two

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I emerge from my pod and step into the bright strobe lights that look down on the new arrivals deck.
"Well! Aren't you the cutest thing in the galaxy!" I raise my tear stained, puffy eyed face to the tall female standing in front of me.
"Come on Astra! You're going to meet your sector mates!" She smiles as she talks through a small translator attached to her head. Small earth children follow similar aliens towards a blue entrance door.
"You don't speak much do you, you little cutie? Well! We'll wait in the meeting room, we'll be there meeting new friends of course! Oh and honey, you can call us the Pemba Insanlar" I nod and smile along, there are many Pemba's in suits. They are of pink skin, and are very tall. As they prepare the room for the mingle, they stop to gush over me. Playing with my hair and asking my name,
"Come now Astra, this is Comet!" The women turns me to a boy my age,
"Well? Go on, hug!" Uncomfortably, we hug and soon start to laugh. The two supervisors start to giggle and make varying awes.
"Aren't they just adorable?" Comet's escort exclaims, "Well, we'll leave you to it! Have fun!" I swallow hard, the other human children start to file in with their escorts.
"Can we sit down? I'm tired, I've been up all night." He groans. We move to a long couch that stretched just about around the whole room.
"What was your family like? Not your owners but your real family?" Comet questions,
"Well, my mom was really nice.." I start, I don't know how to talk to people.
"That's cool... my brother was really nice too. Miss him." He looks around sadly, all of a sudden the number of the kids in the room seems to grow. Too many people.
"Are we friends now?" I blurt,
"Yeah. I just really hope we find our families again someday."
"Me too"

Sorry this chapter wasn't the most exciting! How do you feel about Comet, feel free to comment down below!

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