The Bar Maid

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Men shouting at the TV screens as they watch a football game. Women huddled together gossiping about their day. Teenage boys playing pool as they quietly point out a girl that just entered. This is the scene that a bar maid sees as she works away, pulling pints, collecting glasses and constantly smiling.

The regulars only have to stand at the bar and she knows what they want, skilfully making their drinks as she engages in polite conversation. She is constantly aware of each person, always looking for the next customer making a list so each person is served in order. Quickly calculating the price of each drink as it is served, remembering the long list as the order grows and grows. She is a master of multitasking.

When the night progresses and the punters begin to weaver under the effects of alcohol, her job becomes challenging. Each costumer takes longer to explain what they want, she often has to translate their drunken speech. The bar maid is consistently good-natured, laughing away any disagreement always keeping everyone happy.

Watching as women flaunt themselves and men ogle at them. She listens to someone's drunken confessions and witnesses a couple's fight.

The job may not be easy and sometimes she may be counting the minuets till the end of her shift, but working in a pub is much more entertaining than most other jobs.

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