Red Scarf

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I never thought I would see my wife again. Hear her sweet voice say my name as she sat on the chair beside me. She wore her favorite red scarf, wrapped around her neck three times like she always use to wear it. I remember the day she brought it, she came home with a huge smile and danced around the living room waving it in front of me as she told me about her day. She owned that scarf for forty years, wore it every day of her life. I even had it put in the coffin with her, wrapped around her neck like always.

Yet here she sat with her eyes fixed on mine as the machine attached to me beeped. I smiled up at her, tears in my eyes as she reached out to caress my cold face. "Don't cry my sweet" she whispered her soft hands supporting my head. "I've missed you" was all I could reply.

It was so hard to keep my eyes open, but the fear that she would disappear at any moment powered me on. "It's time to rest now dear" she said. "I don't want you to leave me again" I told her holding her hand tightly. "Don't worry, we'll stay together".

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