The Bus Journey of a Wannabe Writer

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I listened to the rhythmic drumming of the window wipers as they battled against the rain that pounded down, echoed by the constant dripping of water that ran in through an open window of the bus. It rattled and shook as it drove up a hill struggling with the effort.

Two girls talk about their day loudly behind me, while music seeped through the headphones of a boy to my right. An old lady coughed violently and a young child drew pictures on the fogged windows.

The warm stale air filled my lungs as I sighed. The bus slowed, one of the passengers braved the storm opening their umbrella, a feeble shield to protect them from the violent downpour. A woman dripping with water ran down the street towards the bus, a smile filled her face as she got closer and closer only to be left behind.

The passengers daydream about arriving home and seeing their families and friends after a hard days work, with a cup of tea and a cosy blanket. While I dream of far away lands and mysterious islands, imagining the sunshine beating down on this gloomy wet day.

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