I got Tagged

437 6 28

So Bianca_di_Angelo_18 tagged me so I'll answer the questions
1.Do I have a crush? Yes
2.Who is it ? Frank from Heroes of Olympus
3.Eye color? Dark Brown
4.Shoe size? Like size 5-7
5.Biggest feat? Spiders!!!!
6.My height? Like 5 foot 1
7.Favorite salad dressing? Ranch
8.Favorite animal? A bunny or panda
9.Last time I cried? Well I almost cried during social studies because we were talking about emotional stuff
10.My background? Well if we are talking about phone background

My background? Well if we are talking about phone background

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And if we are talking Wattpad background

And if we are talking Wattpad background

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11.Tag other people?
I tag

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