Everyone Has Signed Their Doom

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Me: So ppp2005 asks "Who would you kiss besides your BF/GF"
Percy: Well maybe Rachel
Annabeth: Percy Jackson!!!!!
Percy: Sorry
Annabeth: Fine I'd kiss Luke if he were still alive
Jason: Maybe Reyna
Jason: I'm sorry
Piper: I'd probably kiss my celebrity crush
Jason: Seriously
Piper: Really none of the guys interest me here except you
Jason: 😍😍😍😍
Me: Jasper!!!!
Leo: Hm, probably the next hottest girl alive
Calypso: Boy Leo
Calypso: I'd probably kiss Johnny
Ash: I'm going to kill you
Hazel: Same answer as Piper
Frank: I'd kiss a tree
Everyone: 😑😑😑
Frank: What
Hazel: Aw Frank, you really love me you wouldn't kiss anyone else but me
Frank: Yes, because I love you so much
Me: Frazel!!!!
Nico: I'd probably kiss Percy
Percy: So I am your type
Nico: No you're not
Will: Probably Johnny
Ash: Seriously how many people want to kiss my boyfriend
Me: A lot
Johnny: Well, I can't decide so probably my celebrity crush
Ash: I'm not giving an answer because I really don't have anyone in mine
Me: So that's a wrap
Ash: Still Calypso and Will be warned
Johnny: Um Ash I think you should calm down
Leo: Yep
Nico: Couldn't agree more
Frazel: Uh huh

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