Favorite Member

141 2 16

Me: So perachelismylife asks us who is our favorite 5H member
Annabeth: No!!!!
Hazel: Yes!!!!!
Percy: Ok my favorite is Normani
Annabeth: None of them
Me: Ok....
Piper: My favorite is Dinah
Jason: Lauren
Leo: Out of all the 4 remaining um I am going with Lauren
Calypso: Ally
Hazel: Lauren
Frank: Ally
Nico: Dinah
Will: Normani
Me: How about Jash
Ash: Mine has to be Dinah
Johnny: Ally
Me: Lauren is my favorite
Nico: Annabeth has not chosen
Annabeth: And I won't ever choose
Percy: I'll choose for her , so its Normani
Annabeth: Percy time out corner
( Percy is currently in the time out corner)
Me: I'm going to count the votes
Ally: 3
Me: So Lauren wins among most of us
Everyone: Pretty much
Me: And Percy come out of the time out corner
Percy: Yay!!!
Me: Keep asking questions

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