Me and Leo dare the couples

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Me: So Leo which is the first couple
Leo: Percabeth come over here
Percy: Yes
Me: We dare you to break up in front of the entire camp
Annabeth: What!!!
Leo: Its a dare
Percabeth: F***
Frazel: Language!!!!
(At the camp)
Percy: Annabeth I'm breaking up with you
Annabeth:( pretends to cry) Why!!!!
The Camp: No not Percabeth!!!!
Percy: It was a dare
The camp: 😑😑😑😑
Me: 😂😂😂😂
Me: Ok Jasper's next
Jason: What's up
Leo: We dare you to give each other a makeover
Piper: Oh no anything but that
(After the makeover)
Piper: I look like a cupcake
Jason: I look like Superman
Me: Frazel is next
Leo: Come here you guys
Frank: What's the dare
Me: We dare you to kiss for 1 minutes in front of Nico
Hazel: Nico's going to kill me
Nico: You called
Frazel kisses for 1 minute
Nico: What the h*** is going on here
Frank: It was just a dare
Nico: Never mind you're grounded
Hazel: What you can't ground me
Me: Ok Solangelo
Nico: Now what
Leo: We dare you to sing I See The Light from Tangled
Will: And at last I see the light
Nico: 😑😑😑😑
After the dare
Me: Ash come over here
Ash: This better be good
Leo: Act dead in front of Johnny
Ash: Oh my goodness
Johnny: Have any of you seen Ash
Ash plays dead and Leo tries not to laugh
Johnny: Wait, why aren't you moving
Me: Because she's dead
Ash: No I'm not
Johnny: You almost scared me
Me: Well that was it
Percy: Not yet I have the perfect dare for Caleo

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