Are You Still Together

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Piper:AlexaTomlinson420 asks to Percy: Hey are you still with Annabeth , didn't she dump you.I'm sorry but you deserve better maybe not Nico but some other chick.
Annabeth:Why does she hate me
Percy:I don't even know
5Harminazor(Me): She also dislikes Caleo and Frazel
Caleo:Are you kidding me
Frazel:What did we do wrong
Me: That's a whole different chapter
Percy:Anyways yes me and Annabeth are still together and I don't plan on leaving her
Jason:What about Perico
Hazel:Again with Perico
Jason: Never mind lets talk Jash
Nico: Reporting for duty sir
Jason: Ok Nico so heres the plan
Johnny:I'm afraid now
Ash:Me too
Leo:I never knew they were major fangirls
Jason and Nico: Jash is OTP
Ash: You guys seriously
Johnny: Yeah we are only friends
Frank:You know denial is the first step
Calypso:Frank is right. Just admit your feelings
Annabeth:This is getting too awkward

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