So Many People

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Me: perachelismylife asks to Jasper " How do you feel with Jason being shipped with so many people"
Piper: It honestly annoys me a lot and especially someone named Leo
Leo: I'm sorry but I ship Jercy
Piper: Time out corner now
(Leo is currently in the time out corner)
Jason: I agree with Piper because I love her and her only no one else amd what is it with shipping me with a brick
Annabeth: Its called Brason
Percy: Lol Brason 😂😂😂
Annabeth: Time out corner now
( Percy is currently in the time out corner)
Frank: I ship Jasper
Hazel: Same
Calypso: Yep
Nico: Couldn't agree more
Johnny: I ship Jason with
Ash: Do you want to be in the time out corner
Johnny: No
Ash: Ok good
Johnny: I ship Jason with a stapler
Ash: Time out corner
( Johnny is currently in the time out corner)
Me: Since when did the time out corner exist
Annabeth: Don't know
Me: Ok all 3 of you out of the time out corner
Percy and Leo: Finally
Johnny: I was only joking with shipping Jason with a stapler
Jason: Anyways I love Piper no matter what
Piper: Aw I love you too
Me: Jasper!!!!
Leo: What about
Piper: Do you want the time out corner again
Leo: No
Me: Keep asking more questions

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