Jasper vs Caleo

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Me: Now its Jasper vs Caleo so good luck to both of you
( Music starts)
Jasper starts dance routine
Jason: I hope we beat Leo
Piper: That's what you're focused on right now
Caleo starts their dance routine
Leo: I'm extremly nervous
Calypso: Don't worry we're fine
Me: That was awesome so who wants to comment on Jasper's dance
Percy: Me!!!!
Me: Ok what do you say
Percy: Piper you're awesome at this and Jason my bro I didn't know you could dance but the thing is that sometime you went too slow or too fast
Me: Ok who wants to comment on Caleo
Frank: Me!!!!
Me: Go ahead
Frank: Leo you were awesome and Calypso you also impressed me a lot the problem is that one of you shows more confidence than the other
Me: Ok so last but not least is Frazel vs Jash
Me: And keep choosing the winners

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