Best Bromance

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Will: So me and Johnny decided to see who has the best bromance
Johnny: Lets look at Jason and Percy first
Will: Well, they get along
Johnny: They're both crazy at times
Will: Yep
Johnny: And now I'm looking at their pictures
Will: They love being best friends
Johnny: Yep
Will: Now on to Frank and Leo
Johnny: Its perfect
Will: Well they do get along
Johnny: They give each other bro hugs
Will: I can't decide
Johnny: Same
Percy: Me and Jason have the best bromance
Jason: Yep
Leo: No way, me and Frank do
Frank: That's true
(Constant arguing)
Hazy: How about you decide for them cause this is not solved quite yet
Will: Help
Johnny: Yep
Hazy: Keep asking questions and dares

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