Chapter 2

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Third person pov

The children all awed over Minato, and even over his students. Obito basked in the praise, grinning and waving at the students like he'd just performed a spectacular play. Kakashi only scoffed at him, his eyes searching for the one with so much chakra. There was just so much in the room, it was hard to pinpoint exactly who it was coming from. It was like trying to find a specific spec of dirt in a pile of dirt.

Rin didn't know what to do with herself. The feeling in the room was so overwhelming and so powerful, she wondered how nobody had noticed the sensation. It was terrifying to thing someone had this much chakra, this much power at their disposal. Even Kakashi was a bit antsy over it, but he certainly didn't show that outwardly. 

Minato's eyes met two dark brown ones that looked to have blue and purple mixed in them. It was like looking into the night sky out in the country where there was no light pollution. It was pure and powerful. And just like that, he knew. She was the one with all that chakra. She didn't look like a threat, in fact she looked quite bored with the whole situation. Like she were about to fall asleep, unlike her swooning classmates. 

The girl raised an eyebrow at Minato, glancing at his students who had followed their's sensei's gaze and zeroed in on her. 'Not an enemy. She'd be running if she were one.' Minato thought to himself, smiling kindly at the girl. She blinked at him in response, looking behind her to see if he was truly smiling at her and not someone else. Minato felt amusement flash through him.


"So, Minato-san. What brings you here today?" The teacher questioned. Minato looked away from the girl and gave the teacher a bright smile. "I thought it might be educational for my students to see how a civilian school works!" He said cheerfully, letting the lie slip out with ease. Rin and Obito both nodded, backing their sensei's story without hesitation. Kakashi just scowled. Why couldn't they just take the girl and leave? Why stay?

They teacher gave them a smile that didn't look quite right on his face, clapping his hands together. "Wonderful! If you wish to sit down, there are seats in the back next to Ethelia. Ethelia, raise your hand please." The teacher questioned in a nice tone that didn't sound natural spilling from his mouth. It made most of the students cringe.

The girl, the one with lots of chakra, raised her hand. Minato smiled brightly in triumph at his luck. He nodded to the teacher. "Thank you, Naistro-san." Minato bowed slightly before going to sit by the girl with the oddly large reserve of chakra. Rin and Obito gave quite bows as well before scurrying after their sensei and Kakashi, who'd followed the blonde man without so much as a glance in the civilian-teacher's direction.

Ethelia's pov

Now everyone, at this point in the story I was convinced that Minato was a total perv. First the guy smiles at me, and then he gets really excited when he learns he can totally sit next to me? And then he actually does? Yeah, I was freaked out, and was ready to leap out the window at any given moment. 


I was mentally screaming as I raised my hand, and I was mentally screaming as Minato swiftly made his way to the too-small seat next to mine. If I wasn't totally and completely dead on the inside, I am. I swear the last of my soul just floated out of me. Life officially hates me. Mondays are a curse. I'm a curse. Why does bad shit always come my way? Like floating-powers and pedophiles and ugly looks and depression.

"Hello, Ethelia-chan! I'm going to be sitting next to you." He said as he sat down in the desk that was clearly way to small for a man of his size. They were small on us teens, his thighs must be crushed right now. Everyone was still staring in awe at the guy, so luckily none of the mindless fools noticed that he was actually talking to me. Verbally. Nobody does that! Like, Satan stop.

"Please don't call me that." I sighed, resting my forehead on the top of my desk in defeat. "Oh, would you prefer just Ethelia?" I heard him ask. I didn't look at him. "No." I responded flatly. I could practically feel the guy frown. Everything he does is so... projected. "Then what would you like me to call you?" He's so polite, it's scary, and pedophile-ish.

"Nothing." I answered, clearly implying that I didn't want him talking to me, and that I didn't want myself talking to him, and that I did not want any form of verbal communication whatsoever. Or any communication. He paused, and I knew he was a little taken aback. Everyone here is pretty awed by his presence. 

But then again, I'm me.

"I'll just all you Ethelia then!" His cheerful answer made me groan. I just want to be left alone. Is that really and truly too much to ask? Because it doesn't seem like too much to me. I'm trying to save this man from the unpleasant effort he's going to end up exerting if he continued to try and talk to me. "So, you're Ethelia then?" I looked up to see the girl, Rin. 

Not another one, please, Satan, I thought we were friends!

"Yes." I said glumly, dropping my head back onto my desk. "I'm Rin!" She chirped, and I gave her the 'really?' look. Are all ninja-girls this dumb? "Yes, I believe this guy introduced you to the mass." I jerked my thumb at the still smiling Minato. Rin blushed a little in embarrassment before skittering off to go sit down, thank god. But I've still got Blondie to deal with.

U had hope that maybe, just maybe, he'd leave me alone now. But unfortunately yet another one of them stopped in front of my desk. I can safely say that if I had a knife, I'd stab myself in the throat. I have the urge to commit suicide at the moment. The wish is stronger than ever before, too. 

"So, you're the girl wi-" The silver haired one, the one who also sorta looks like he'd rather die than deal with all this, grabbed the boy by the back of his jacket a dragged him away. Bless his soul, even if he looks like one hell of an asshole. May we never meet again, and may I prosper alone in my own little bubble in which normal humans are too afraid to venture near.

"Thank God." I muttered under my breath when the teacher finally began to lesson. I picked up my pencil and pretended to be taking notes while doodling. This was a clear "leave me alone and don't talk to me ever again" sign, but for some odd reason the blonde many next to me didn't see it, or chose to ignore it! It's like trying to talk to someone with headphones in, you don't do it! This man has broken the unspoken code followed when communicating with the anti-social! If they don't wanna talk, you don't make them.

It's official, Satan has betrayed me.

"So, what do you like to do for fun, Ethelia?" Minato asked happily. "Not talk to strangers." I replied instantly. He frowned a little at my response, leaning back in his seat a bit. "Do you have... any plans?" Minato asked. "Yes." I nodded, because I totally do. He leaned forwards, resting his elbows on his desk as he stared at me, "What are they?"

"Well, I plan on ignoring your existence completely as soon as you cross the second line, because you already crossed the first." I shouldn't cut this guy any slack at all. He should feel honored. He at least had the decency to recoil a bit and look sheepish. "Sorry," He apologized. "You just seem like an interesting person, that's all. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!"

I raised an eyebrow at him. Yeah, too late man. "You need glasses. And mental help." I told him sincerely. Anyone who finds me interesting in any way is either really fucking up at life, or is just a rapist with low standards. I think those exist. Do they even care? I think most of them just have types that they go after. Most don't usually aim for the reclusive, anti-social and depressed though. Not that I'm aware.

"Right." He laughed like what I said was a joke. I felt myself start to get nervous, and that's bad. My fight or flight instinct is heavily weighted towards flight; Literally. I don't want my body to react to my emotions and send my flying through a ceiling or something. Once I was reading a book and it got hella intense. It actually spooked me a bit, reading it in the middle of the night. There's still a slight indent on my ceiling that I've never been able to explain to my dad.

"So, who do you live with?" Minato questioned as casually as he could. I looked at him. Is this guy serious? Is he aware of how creepy he's being right now? "Okay, second line crossed. Goodbye now." I turned back towards my notebook full of doodles and numbers. I don't know why, but writing numbers randomly is very satisfying. Especially when they turn out neat.

I heard him sigh.

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