This one's for Her, who never gave up on me💝👑

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She wasn't talking to her Mother for 2 days.. Why? Only because she hasn't approved of the guy she likes the most. She really used to share all her updates and gossips with her Mother.. and like a talkative teen her mother used to appreciate her merits and scolded her indirectly whenever required. This never ending love was going perfectly fine and then He came.. It wasn't the first time when she had a crush on someone, but this time.. She gave Him more attention and perhaps love than he deserved. She shared everything with him and in that urge to get closer to him, to be with him.. She never paid any attention to the reputation he was holding.. or just say Never really listened to her mother.

After two days the guy whom she considered more than a soulmate, her very own true love..eventually left her and went away with the other new girl whom he claimed to be her soulmate. Two tears rolled down her cheeks.. Not remembering Him, But her Mother.. Remembering how selfish she had been forgetting the one who really was there for her almost all the time and without whom her world didn't existed💖.

I said that to my mother😉 you should too.. Go home today or phone up her and say ,"Mom, I Love You"! And the smile you'll get is indeed priceless❤. Really? Are we that selfish to forget about the one staying up for nights when we were sick? Or the one who didn't eat after she had seen eat satisfactorily? Or the one who despite what we have done, Never gave up on us?

Really, Think about it❤.

This Chapter was specially for all those mothers out there, as a tribute or respect☺. Cause we don't need Mother's Day to make her feel special!✌💝

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