Cause being "Me" isn't a sin🌌

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Life is like eating a pizza 🍕.. With your eyes closed.🙈

You never know what you'll taste.

Sometimes it gets spicy👅😂.

Sometimes cheesy.😍🙈💏

And, sometimes a weird combination of things you never get!🙎

But, you guys must've heard this quote either on Facebook or any other social site.

"Life is 10% about what it choses for us and 90% about how we react to it!"💞

I believe it to be 101% true, cause when given a knife.. it depends whether you'll use it to cut fruits, which are in turn beneficial for your health.


Cut your veins and die for a person, who won't give a shit to your pain!

    The choice is yours.

If you ever thought that you wanted to commit suicide or even tried to hurt yourself in any of the ways.. But didn't do so, because you were selfish just for once..

         For yourself💕

Congratulations my sweethearts and dearies!

You aren't a self centered person.. But a winner🏆.

A winner who'll deserve better things in life.

A winner who didn't lose a selfish and assholitic  person, but chose life instead to have a better tomorrow with lots of positive and vibrant people!💝

If you ever thought or is still thinking of any crazy ass stuff like that.⚠


Nothing is more valuable in this goddamn world, other than your life.

      Remember that.

If you were left for being YOU.

It happened for GOOD💞.

These people aren't the bad memories we'll live with, But a lesson which life teaches us!

Learn these and you'll never shed a tear, again.

If I can ,Why can't YOU?🙆


This chapter had been one of my very emotional chapters so far.

Maybe not for some of you guys.😅

Cause we all don't have the same approach towards certain things.

Come on, admit it. We all have been in this phase of depression or unknown sadness.

Call it, Your crush not talking to you, days of peer pressure, specially Exam tension😥 , having a breakup from the girl you loved , seeing your crush rejecting your proposal or getting bullied by your seniors or bitches.

But, we did overcome these and grew more stronger than before!


    Just don't lose hope.

And, don't  stop being  YOU.

Don't forget to leave a vote 'n' comment .💝

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