Unknowingly Unwillingly💝🌌💞

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The first time I saw him, I never thought that "He"would end up being the one, I can't spend my day without.. that he would become the reason for my unnecessary and untimely blushes and stupid smiles💕, that he would be the one about whom I would dream before going to sleep and the first thought that would ever come up in the morning would be his. That his favourites would eventually end up being mine. That his flaws and imperfections would attract me closer to him. That without seeing his glimpse my bright and happy day would eventually fade and lose its importance. That being with him, directly or indirectly, would create some really unwanted and heart aching memories.. Which even after being so toxic, I would unwillingly cherish in my life ahead, happily.... Those heart breaking memories with him in them.. I know I couldn't erase them, but the pain which he gave me will be among my greatest pleasures forever, unknowingly unwillingly💔 only because they had "Him" in them💖.

And, my conscience warned me all day long not to go near him, not to think about him, not to lose "myself" in the haste of getting him. But, this stupid heart and those hundreds of unexpressed feelings trapped in them, they never understood💕. Its pretty stupid to say and feel, I knew you were gonna break my heart, I knew that.. But still somewhere, its pretty ironic I know, but I am happy you did so💞. Rather I am privileged that "you" broke my heart. What was my fault? Was it my stupidity to  make you happy, even if I have to stand in the rain? Getting wet, losing myself.. Just for being satisfied with your flaws and you, when I deserved way better?✌

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