▸I'll miss you babe

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Today would be a pretty sad day for both Sebastian and Dahlia cause Sebastian was going to another state to film a new movie he was casting in, and he would be gone for two months. Since Sebastian and Dahlia haven't yet been apart from each other for so long, it would be tough but they knew that, that day would've been here soon anyways so they tried their best to keep calm and not be down all day. 

But of course they were a little sad but they hide it from each other and decided to have a cuddle day. Lots of candy, food and sodas as they would watch their favorite show together- brooklyn nine nine. 

"I know you don't wanna talk about it, but I'm going to miss you so" Lia sighed as she hugged Sebastian even harder than she did before. 

"I know, I'm going to miss you too" Sebastian said as he took his fingers under Lias jaw and made her look up at him, as he went down and gave her a kiss as they gave each other a sad smile. 

"How are we going to be able to stay away from each other for two whole months?" Lia sighed yet again, looking into his eyes, those beautiful yet sad eyes. 

"We'll skype, text and talk over the phone as often as we can cause that's the best we can do" Sebastian grinned at his girlfriend, trying not to look as sad as he felt inside. 

Both of them were heartbroken by the announcement but also pleased with the new big role Sebastian had gotten after being in the Captain America movies. The whole cast was thrilled by the news, that one of their friends would finally make it to another big movie, but when they began to think about Dahlia and Sebastian, their heart broke a little cause they were the most adorable couple they've witness. And that they would be apart from each other for so long, hurt. 

Not only for Sebastian and Dahlia, but for everyone around them as well. 

Sebastian and Dahlia hoped that the day would be filled with happiness, laughs and no tears but by now, it was all tears and upside down smiles. 

The couple was standing in the middle of the airport, holding each other hard and wished that this day wasn't here yet. Tears was ran down their faces but a smile was still there cause they knew- they knew that they would make it. 

This whole trip was just a test to see if they can make it, be apart from each other for two months and they'll make it, they just know they will cause their love is stronger even apart.

"I got to go, I'll call you as soon as I land" Sebastian spoken in a soft voice as they still were hugging each other for life. 

"O-okay" Dahlia stuttered and nodded her head. 

They let go of each other and looked into each other eyes, they were red and puffy but yet the eyes was filled with love, passion and peace. 

They didn't have to speak cause their eyes said everything. 

They shared a passion filled kiss before they gave each other one last hug and Sebastian had to run to his plane. 

Dahlia still stood there, at the same spot. Watching her love leave her all alone for two months with only skype and phone talks. She didn't dare to move because if she did, she would fall down to the ground and cry even more than she already did. 

But slowly she made it home to their apartment and sat in the bed, looking at her phone. 

Waiting for Sebastian to call her and tell her that's its okay and that it will all be over before they know it. 

le author;

did u like it??

did u?

it took so long to do this bc of my mini writeblock

its a lil sad

but yet cute?

but how about my writing skills?

trying to write it better and give other words like happy - thrilled and stuff like that

hope you liked my 'new' way to write, trying to change my writing skills

buuut that my sad lil chapter 

and more to come my dear readers


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