Chapter 1 ~ RUNAWAY

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Choi Eun Min's POV

I climbed outside through the window and landed onto the grass. I ran towards the gate and climbed over it. It was midnight so I had to be quiet like a mouse.

All I took with me was extra clothes and a knife just in case something happens.

I was soon wandering around in the park. All I saw were towering street lamps that lit up the leaf covered path, the leaves fall onto the ground from the dying trees. The trees spooked me quite a bit.

5 minutes later I was still wandering around the park.

"Aish, I think I'm lost! I don't want to be in this creepy ass park anymore!!" I shouted.

I then heard some guys talking.

"Oh no, did they hear me?" I whispered to myself and hid behind a tree. There were four guys, probably a few years older than me. I couldn't make out their faces, it was too dark.

"OMG IS HE HOLDING A KNIFE!" I shouted out.

Sh*t... For God sake Eun Min! Why did I have to say that out loud?!! I'm so dead.

I quickly crouched down as fast as lightening. I rummaged through my bag for the knife. As soon as I could get my knife...

A cold, sharp object was held against my neck. I could smell something disturbing.
"B-blood?" I stuttered. I'm not bleeding. Did they kill someone? Since I've been caught it might be my blood on that knife next.

"Yah! Namjoon it's a girl"

Namjoon? Who's that?

One of the guys approached me. I guess that's Namjoon. He's actually quite handsome for a killer... I shook my head... shut up Eun Min you're going to be killed by him!

"Who are you?" questioned Namjoon. Daebak!! His voice is deep, I got flustered but reminded myself that he's going to kill me soon. T_T


I didn't answer.

He aggressively grabbed my chin and slowly pushed the knife into my neck until there was a small cut. I could feel blood trickling down my neck.

I started to tear up. I was scared. I had no one to call for, I was lonely...

"Aish! I bet she saw what happened earlier." Said one of the other guys.

I tried to push Namjoon away but he kept pushing the knife deeper into my neck.

Then I saw a flash of bright white light catching mine and the other guy's attention...

"Yah, what are you doing to her?! Let her go!" The woman screamed at them and ran towards me. She caught me in her arms and tried talking to me.

"Miss, what is your name? oh my dear God you're bleeding a lot!" The woman was fidgeting around in her pocket and took out a handkerchief and placed it onto my deep cut.

"My n-name is C-choi Eun Min" I stuttered. I couldn't speak, I was too weak. The woman's voice started to fade away, I couldn't hear her anymore. I soon blacked out...

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