Chapter 7 ~ MEET UP

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The next day
(Friday 17th February 2017)

Eun Min's POV

I hope one school day would be normal and less dramatic for once. *sigh* A lot has happened over the week and I'm exhausted. This week has took so long and it's finally Friday.

Anyways I need to get ready for school.

Everything was normal, Miss Kim and I sat down for breakfast talking about random things (just not to make anything awkward). I got out of the house, Miss Kim has Thursday's and Friday's off work, and walked into the park. I took my time to admire the beautiful scenery *taking in a deep breath of fresh air* I strolled through the park.

5 mins later, I finally arrived at school. Before entering the school, I crossed my fingers for a normal day to fly by. I looked up and saw... Mingyu? He waved at me. I then waved back.

"Hello, Mingyu! How are you?" I greeted him.

"I'm fine I guess," Mingyu shrugged.

"Is your cheek okay?" I pointed at his cheek.

"Uhh, yeah,"

"Well we should go to registration," I said to him.

Mingyu walked with me to class. We both walked into class, I waved at Jungkook. Weird. He was just death staring Mingyu, Mingyu was doing the same thing. I waved my hand up and down towards his face. He then walked off and sat down at his seat.
I did the same and walked to my seat.

Jungkook's POV

Why was Eun Min with Mingyu? Ugh.

Eun Min walked towards her seat behind mine.

Eun Min's POV

"Hi? Jungkook," I tapped him on the back.

He turned around.

"Yeah?" He replied back to me.

"You okay?" He turned away and said nothing.

What's wrong with him? It's probably because I walked to class with Mingyu and not him. *sigh* I don't want to fall out with Jungkook already!

"Yah. Jungkook? Why aren't you talking to me? Please talk," I whispered to Jungkook, he didn't seem to listen. He's not the best at expressing his feelings. It's okay though, I'm like that too.

Class began.

Mingyu's POV


<I was waiting for Namjoon. He told me to wait for him.

Few mins later he came. I told him everything that happened the other night, even about Jungkook punching me in the face. He was aware of Jungkook's and Eun Min's relationship but I have thought about what he would do to that relationship. Even though Jungkook was part of Cypher, I have realised that ever since Namjoon found out that Jungkook knew Eun Min, Namjoon had been using Jungkook to get to Eun Min. What does Namjoon want with Eun Min?

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