Starting out as a Murderer

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A well known short skeleton with a faded tan scarf lay in outertale, looking up at the twinkling stars. Why was he in outertale? you make be thinking, the reason is clear. He was contemplating whether or not he's the good guy. Why though?
He helped co-create all the AUs but something didn't add up to him.
Why do genocide routes exist? He should stop them, right? He does have the power to do so, but he doesn't. Why is that?
His mind clouded with thoughts, at this rate he'd get a migraine.
He sighed, his eyes loosing their regular enthusiasm and happiness. With his eyes dull he glanced around.
"Outertale.... So peaceful yet so many genocide routes that I haven't stopped..." He muttered sighing.
He didn't even think he was the good guy anymore. He stood up, stretching until he heard a satisfying pop, then picked his paintbrush up, the paintbrush happened to be a little taller than the skeleton.
The skeleton started walking, opening a portal in front of him to Underswap, in Waterfall to be exact. He entered the portal without a second thought and kept walking until he reached a quiet area, where all you heard was the soft flow of water and the quiet echo of the echo flowers. He sat down, sighing slightly.
"Am I the good guy?" A whisper left his mouth, the echo flowers heard it and one repeated it.
"Am I the good guy?" It echoed for a few minutes before stopping.
The skeleton held back a scream of frustration and annoyance.
Little did he know a certain destructor was watching him from afar.
The co-creator started talking to himself, not knowing that Error was listening. "Am I good? Is Error good? Are we evil...?" He questioned, trying to answer the questions afterwards. "I consider myself good and I consider Error evil.... We both are good and bad in a way...." He muttered looking up.
Error listened in silence, until he heard Ink say something that he'd never thought he'd hear the creator say.
"I am evil...." A low chuckle escaped his mouth and got up. The low chuckle soon escalated to loud laughter. Five minutes later, Ink stopped laughing, tears in his eyes. He slowly wiped the tears away, a sick smile plastered on his face.
He started walking, a portal opening a few feet away to Underfell, he knew that they'd put up a fight if they were hurt so it'd be entertaining.
He arrived and looked around, a look of mischief evident in his eyes. All the monsters stared at him, as he walked forward towards one, his eyes giving off a tinted blood red glow. He took his paintbrush out, his smile growing.
All the monsters stopped what they were doing, staring at the creator. One walked up to him, another skeleton that looked almost exactly like Ink, A Sans.
"What are you doing here, unicorn puke?" He spat, his voice deep and scratchy.
"Best insult you can come up with?" Laughed Ink, swinging his paintbrush at underfell Sans head.
He ducked quickly, the brush missing his head by inches and as he stood up Ink swung it back over at him, hitting the side of his skull.
Underfell Sans fell, his skull cracked terribly, eye blazing red.
"THATS IT!" He shouted as he got up, dark blood covering the whole side of his skull, an expression of pain and anger plastered onto his face. Red bones appeared around Ink, he smiled.
"Finally a challenge!" Ink laughed, Underfell Sans' face replaced with fear.
"WHO ARE YOU?!" He screamed in fear.
"YOUR worst nightmare." Laughed Ink as he swung his paintbrush again, hitting the cracked side of Underfell sans' skull. The red counterpart fell the the ground screaming in pain.
Ink picked the skeleton up by his neck bone, Underfell Sans' blood dripping down Inks fingers.
"Y-you monster..." He whispered, his voice croaky as Inks grip tightened.
"How nice." Ink spat, tightening his grip to the point underfell sans couldn't breathe.
The skeletons blazing red eye faded as the skeleton himself slowly turned to dust.
Ink fell into a fit of laughter, his right hand covered in the blood of his counterpart. Ink lifted up the gold tooth that was once in his dead counterparts mouth and giggled, summoning a string that he tied around the tooth and placed it around his neck and under his scarf.
Ink had just made his first kill, everyone watching in fear and Error? He was terrified, he and ink had to switch roles, Error had to fight the creator- if he could be called that anymore- to save the lives of innocent monsters. That'll be a little hard, but as long as everyone's safe from Ink's murderous ways, he'd do it.

(Please don't kill me, it was a random idea, I may discontinue it later and please don't use it. Also the Cover doesn't belong to me, it belongs to the original artist (of course))

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