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(The song kinda reminds me of Error but it's not related to the story.

Also, there'll be some cursing in this chapter but it'll be 'censored', k?)

"Make it stop... Please..." Error cried, shaking from the pain.
Everyone around him looked at the injured skeleton sympathetically, they wanted to help but his injuries were too severe.

"I'm gonna try to heal him." Honey muttered, his right hand hovering over Error's broken bones as a soft green glow surrounded his hand.

Error shook slightly less, the healing magic relaxed him. He purred slightly at it, closing his eyes slowly falling asleep.
Undyne watched, waiting for Error to be healed the best he could with magic.

The bleeding stopped, most of his ribs and part of his right arm had healed, the rest would have to heal over time. Undyne patched up the remained of the injuries while Blue had run off to get Error a pillow and a blanket. Honey had decided to watch in silence, he'd have to watch Error next time he goes to see Ink.

Error stayed unconscious for hours, almost a day even.  Undyne watched over Error, checking the injuries every few hours.

Blue had snuggled up next to Error, hugging the glitched skeleton in case he woke up soon.
Error's face was peaceful but clearly showed pain.
Blue decided to use some of his own magic to try to heal Error, not letting go of him.
The pain slowly faded from Error's face as he began purring softly, clearly liking the feeling the healing magic gave him.
Undyne watched him, waiting for Blue to stop.
When Blue did stop, he smiled happily when he saw that the pain didn't come back to Error's features.

Ink was waiting at Waterfall for the glitched skeleton, but he never came. Worry clouded his eyes but he forced it back muttering loudly. "He's fine. He's just a big crybaby that can't stand the pain he caused and deserves."  He looked at his hands, dust, and blood covered them.
He looked over into the water of a nearby water, frowning slightly. He was covered in random splotches of blood and dust, the splat of ink on his jawbone was replaced with blood. His eyes replaced from being a normal blue and a yellow star replaced with a marron pupil and a blood red target.

Ink sat there, waiting for hours for Error to come. "Maybe I went a little overboard..." He muttered. (YA DON'T SAY! Sorry XD Author is being weird with 4 hours of sleep) He sighed, sitting down as he began washing his hands in the cold water, watching the blood stain the water.

Ink jumped when he heard the sudden sound of an opening portal, the loud warping sound echoed through out the quiet abandoned yet beautiful Waterfalls. He whipped around towards the portal, seeing Honey and Error clinging onto his arm for dear life.
Error's grip visibly tightened on Honey's arm when he spotted Ink.

"You're late." Ink scoffed, smirking when he saw Honey's expression change to one Ink couldn't read.
"Sorry, Mr a**hole, you almost made Error paralyzed from pain!" Honey scoffed, picking up the shorter glitching skeleton.

Error looked at Ink, fear evident in his eyes. He clung to Honey, it's obvious he'll refuse being left alone with Ink.
Inks smirk became more sinister, enjoying Error's fear. "He deserved it. You know he's destroyed countless AUs multiple times!" Ink raised his voice.

Error spoke up timidly. "Well, that's what you're doing now! You're going against EVERYTHING your existence stands for!"
"And no one can stop me." Ink laughed.
"You'll destroy everything. Everyone. You'll regret it when you're all alone. You created because you felt alone." Error's voice returned to its normally cocky self.
"And so?!" Ink spat at Error, growling.
"I destroyed because I felt alone. We can't switch roles Ink. I can't create sh*t unlike you." Error spoke truthfully, his grip on Honey tightened.
"Well, LEARN, stupid glitch." The blood soaked skeleton scoffed.
"IT'S NOT IN MY CODING!" Error snapped, blue strings surrounded the three.

Honey didn't interfere, they needed to sort this out themselves.
"Do you think I care?" Ink spat, getting his paintbrush ready to fight. The bristles dripped red. Split. Splat. Split. Splat. The red dripped.
Error stared at Ink. He knew why it was red. It was soaked red from all the murder Ink caused. And it was fresh. "YOU F***CKING LIAR!"
An evil smile found itself onto Ink's face, laughing at Error. "Do you think torturing you would suffice my bloodlust?" Ink asked, amusement seen in his eyes.

Without warning, blue strings suddenly attacked Ink, hundreds at once. Ink didn't have enough time to dodge or deflect any at the speed they came, getting tangled in them.

'Oh boy...' Ink thought. This is where he screwed up, big f***ing time. He was now at Error's mercy.

(How's that chapter? Sorry for not updating for a while! I was honestly procrastinating. No excuse other than that XD 

If you don't want to wait for the updates for this, check out smolnightmare's 'Blood and Paint, Crushed bones and Love'! Dude, that's an awesome title! Their story doesn't have many parts so far (as of the time I'm writing this) but from the few that there are, it's great!

Well stay tuned, don't commit murder unless you've gone insane, and wait for the next update!


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