Lost Hopes

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"I honestly think this is how it stays..." Error whispered quietly. "There's nothing to say he won't just appear here and kill us all." He mumbled softly.
Blue froze at hearing Error's words, looking at him. "He can get here as he pleases?!" Now the safety he one felt in the void that once drove him close to insanity was gone.
To just make this worse, Error gave a simple nod as he stared at his two puppets.

Two different Inks. One, people trusted to protect them while the other they feared and wished this was just a small 'glitch' that could be fixed. However, Error wasn't as certain as some.

'He'll go back to normal! You'll see!' A voice in Error's head chirped.
'Gee, why so positive. A while ago, you'd say he'd die alone!' A different voice snapped.
'Just shut up. BOTH OF YOU!' A separate voice snarled.

That was pretty much all he heard. Back and forth arguing of a few voices that used to once insult him and lower his self worth which somehow hadn't worked but now, remembering most of what as said, was having an effect on him. Someone who hoped he would changed had now given up and called him majority of the things the voices had told him, isn't that a turn of events?

Error teared up. "I wish things... I wish it would all go back to normal...!" He spoke shakily, keeping his eyes on the puppets. "If I had just changed when I had the chance... None of this would've happened..." he whispered.
He didn't know that Ink was listening into Error's conversations, or muttering.
Ink listen and rolled his eyes mostly, until he heard Error's shaky voice. Something almost clicked. Error was right. If Error hadn't continued to destroy, the AUs could live in harmony and now, they have no one to rely on to fix everything...

He shook his head. "Probably a bad idea to think about this." He mumbled, arms crossing. "The idiot needs to stop making those dumb puppets. I don't even look like that." He scoffed before silencing almost instantly as he watched Error collapse without warning. 'Is he okay?' He thought to himself, before adding a quick thought of 'not like I'd care'.

Blue tried to sit Error up, panicking. He knew Ink took everything too far! Error pushed this too far! The deal should've just been called off until Error could at least function without major help. He clenched his fists, a shaky breath leaving his mouth from frustration as Honey lay Error on his hammock.

"Listen, Blue. Calm down. Error is strong. I know the roles are reserved but he will do good."
"I hope.." Blue whispered. "I'm just worried... Who knows when ink will get bored and come here and hurt Error more... I don't think he can take it!"
Error lay in his hammock, mumbling a quiet 'shut up' to the two as he tried to get comfortable as it swung lightly. He fell asleep rather quickly, still unaware ink was watching, not like he had any reason to worry about Ink for now.

Ink waited until Honey and Blue left before teleporting himself to Error, arms crossed. He watched him sleep for a bit before attempting to pull away one of the puppets that Error had made but Error only held them tighter and closer.
"Let go." He growled softly, pulling at the arm of one puppet.
Error gave a sleepy mumble which made Ink freeze almost in panic. He sure as hell hoped Error wouldn't wake up. After a few seconds, Error relaxed but held the puppets tight.
Ink gave a growl of annoyance and decided to cover his hands in the blood that had soaked his brush and gently pet Error. He almost wanted to see Error panicked and on edge whenever he was anywhere, after all, when Error destroyed, that's how is was.
Ink wrote a note and put it next to Error before he left. Error needed to know that Ink could easily appear anywhere he pleased, after all, wouldn't fear be amusing? It had been for Error for so long.

The note Ink had left simply read:

'Meet me on the cliff. I'll be waiting for a day for you to show.'

(Do people really see this as an opportunity for Errorink? I dunno, just curious like, I've seen commented suggesting it.
Oh and look, another chapter in one week!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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