Friend or Foe?

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Error slowly woke but fell back asleep moments later, hiding under the blanket that was draped over him.
Ink began stroking Error's glitchy skull gently, a smile slowly finding itself onto his face. This smile was nowhere close to being even remotely sinister, it was a caring and calm smile, like the ones he used to do before his mind decided to become 'evil'.
Error purred quietly, the action was comforting for him.
Ink pulled his hand away. Something inside him screamed "Stop hurting Error! Hug him! Be there for him! Try become his friend!" but he couldn't as another voice screamed louder than the voice telling him to revert back to normal. "Kill him! Torture him! Make him feel the pain of all those times he hurt you! He hurt everyone!" The louder voice screamed.
Error whined lowly.
Ink stood up watching Error sleep for almost another twenty or so minutes before he decided to wake Error.

To wake Error, Ink kicked Error's rib cage roughly, shouting. "Wake up stupid glitch!"
Error woke with a yelp of pain, tears welling up as he looked up at Ink, silently begging the superior skeleton to spare him.
Ink kneeled, grabbing Error by the collar of his shirt. "Give me the name of someone you spared, if you can, I'll spare you for today."
Error thought for a moment before speaking up. "Y-you...? I had the chance to kill you many times but never finished the job..."
Ink laughed. "True but you did hurt me, so I'll hurt you until I think you've had enough for today." Ink ripped the bandages and the cast from Error, watching the blood quickly cover his dark bones.
Error tried to push Ink away but failed.
Ink had put his foot over Error's only non-broken arm, slowly adding weight until it began cracking.
Tears fell onto the ground as Error tried to keep silent. "P-please..." He begged.
Ink laughed, but he still felt sympathy for the skeleton who had hurt him before.
"Please! S-stop!" Error cried, attempting to push Ink away.
Ink stepped on Error's ribs, pushing his foot down breaking the fragile ribs further.
Error attempted to get his foot off. "S-stop! It hurts!"
"I know." Ink kicked his side.
Error yelped, attempting to get up.
Ink kicked him down.

This cycle of Error being hurt constantly lasted for a few hours. Error had passed out about two hours into the torture, Ink kept hurting him though. Bits of broken bone where everywhere, blood was stained Error's clothes, the wall behind him, the ground and Ink.
Ink had finally gotten bored of hurting Error, so he sat next to Error moving him onto his lap. Slowly rubbing the dried blood off. He honestly had enough of hurting Error but he can't just not hurt anyone and do nothing. He put Error down, getting up and walking away, thinking to himself.
Error was left alone, laying on the ground, injured and unconscious.
Ink walked back roughly an hour later, kneeling next to Error. Stroking his skull slowly.
Error flinched, whining.
Ink stopped, removing his hand. Standing up and walking off, making a portal appear meters after and walking into it.

Error lay there alone for hours until Honey decided to come and check on him. Honey saw the state Error was in and stared, he had never seen any monster survive anything like this without turning to dust part of the way.
He picked Error up, trying to be as careful as possible, teleporting to the anti-void. Rushing to Undyne. "Undyne! Help Error." Honey half shouted, placing Error carefully on the ground.
Undyne quickly, or as fast as she could as Error had an excessive amount of injuries, patched Error up.
Blue had walked past them at the moment Undyne had started, stopping instantly when he saw Error. "Did Ink do that...?" He asked, worry plastering itself onto his features.
Honey nodded, looking at Blue. "It's really bad, isn't it?" He spoke, looking back at Error.
"This time Ink went all out... All his ribs are practically broken and his bones are missing fragments!" Undyne exclaimed as she continued patching the injured skeleton.
"Really...? Ouch..." Blue muttered, watching.
Error began to slowly wake, hissing in pain as he felt the stinging of the wound cleaner thing (I don't remember the names of things XD) flinching badly.
Undyne stopped letting the pain sink in.
Error began shaking silently, tears welling up. The pain was far too much for him.

(I tried. Be happy.

Oh! This chapter is credited to HeikeZoll ! Thank you ^^)

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