"I would die for you!"

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He looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes.


I thought he was my friend.

"You should have listen to Shawn, he was right. I'm bad." he laughed.

"I-I thought we were friends?" I stuttered.

"Soon we will be more than "friends"" he smiled dark to me.

I fell on the ground. I feel tears coming up. I try to hold them in.

He came to me and try to help me sit straight.

"Don't touch me!" I was screaming. I tried to crawl away.

He took my arm and kind of pinched me against the wall. I made him angry. Shit.

I need to think clear. I know i'm gonna get out of here. Alive.

He tried to lift my dress up. His hands were almost on my underwear. I punched him.
Anger appeared on his face.
He hit his hand around my throat.

"I know you won't kill me." I said gasping for breath.

He took his hand away and I fell on my knees. I took a few deep breathes.

Dan picked me up and lay me over his shoulder. He walked back to my prison. Yeah I call it a prison. On the way back I saw a knife on a table. I reached my hand out but my arm was too short. After a bit "wrestling" I could get of his shoulder. I went to the table and took the knife.

I put it in my dress so he couldn't see it.

He ran faster than me. He stood behind me. I felt him pulling on my hair. Then he dropped me in my prison.

Dan walked away. He didn't came back a few days long. So we didn't ate anything.

Shawn has woken up. He looks really bad. He said he's head was hurting like hell.

"I know who it is." I told him.

He nodded his head as a sign that I can tell him.

"Dan." I see the anger in his eyes.

I told him what Dan told me about killing Shawn and marry with me and that shit. But I didn't tell him what he tried to do to me.

"As long as I can save you I would die for you!" he smiled but I saw tears in his eyes.

"Don't cry! I'm sure we both can get out of here, alive." I reached out his hand and he took it. I didn't mind that it was full of his blood. It felt good to hold his hand.

We both fell asleep. Another night here. Another night full of nightmares.

"Aww so cute!" I heard Dan saying but i know it was sarcasm. He went to the space between our prisons and he stepped on our hands.

Shawn woke up with a shock. Yeah, he was still sleeping.

Dan went into a room and Shawn went to sit straight.

"Amelia." I never heard him saying my name like this before "Please promise me to get out of here alive."

"I can't. I'd rather die here together with you than that I need to continue my life without you. I mean it, Shawn. I can't live without you anymore." I start crying.

"Please promise me." he begged me.

"I'll try." I said with a raspy voice.

"Promise me!" he said with a raspy voice. 

I can't see him like this. So I said: "Yes I promise."

"If I die, I hope that you're the last thing I will see." Shawn said with a sweet shine in his eyes.

"Shawn, you won't die here!" I was crying 'cause I wasn't that sure about my words.

Dan came out of the room.

He took Shawn out of his prison. And he putted Shawn on his knees.

I saw him took out a gun of his jacket. He points the gun at Shawn.

Shawn was looking to me. I saw tears in his eyes. He's scared and so am I.

I heard a noise from the back. 

Dan was about to shoot in Shawn's  head but he was startled and the gun was pointed on Shawn's breast.

Dan pulled the trigger.

'Banggg... '

 I screamed...


Is Shawn dead?

Will Amelia escape?

Find out in the next chapter of "One message"

One messageNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ