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I was freaking out and screaming.

Shawn wasn't dead yet. I saw it. He was crying and he pressed his hand onto the wound.

I couldn't stop screaming. The tears were rolling down my face.

"If you don't stop screaming, I'll kill you too!" Dan was mad really mad.

"Kill me. Just kill me than I'm out of this hell. Than I can be with my mom!" this answer he had clearly not expected. He was surprised.

He took a key and opened my prison. I want to run away to Shawn but he was holding my wrists.

"Your not going nowhere." he placed the gun against my head.

"Shoot me!" I said clearly. I want to die.

"Your not going to die. Not yet." he smiled dark. I hate him.

He was holding my wrists on my back.

"Just do what I say and I won't hurt you." he smiled sweet but I knew it wasn't a real smile.

"Let me see Shawn one last time and then I'll come with you." I mumbled. He nod his head and let go my wrists.

I ran to Shawn and sat on my knees. I lay my hand on the place where he was shot.

"I promise we will see each other soon!" I whispers to him.

"I will die, Amelia. Don't you understand that? We won't see each other again." His eyes were full of tears.

"Don't say that." I let the tears roll down my face. I know it very well that this could be the last time that I saw him.

"Kiss me." he asked and I did that. He didn't kiss back, he's too weak.

"I will close my eyes until U'm dead 'cause I want you to be the last thing I see." he slowly closed his eyes. I kissed his forehead.

"We will see each other soon. I just know it." I whispers to him and I left. It was the hardest thing I ever did in my whole life. I just left the love of my life bleeding until he's dead.

Dan was holding my wrist again. I couldn't get Shawn out of my head. I don't think it's possible to forget him. 

He will meet my mom, that's a good thing. They can talk about me.

It kills me that I don't know if he's dead yet. I'll never know when he's dead.

I heard a shot. 

"Stop thinking about him. You're mine now!" Dan said.

I can't stop thinking about him. It's impossible!

We went outside. We were in the middle of nowhere. No one can find me here. 

Dan pushed me in the back of a small bus.

He tied my hands on the door. He start the car and about half an hour we arrived at an huge but old house. It's was creepy.

He led me in. It was pretty cool on the inside. It was a normal house.

I should have lived with Shawn in something like this. Shawn. He's the whole time in my mind! Is he already dead? Or is he still alive?

Dan pushed me onto the couch. He's face was just on a few millimeters away from mine.

"Your gonna do exactly what I say! You heard me?" he spoke clearly.

I'm not going to do anything he want. I can't do that.

"No!" I took the knife out of my dress and pushed it into his thigh. 

I was running around in the room with the knife in my hand.

I gave him a punch on his face and there was blood all over his face.

"You better didn't do that!" he grinned.

He walked in front of me and I realized that he blocked me in the corner of the room. I couldn't go anywhere. I was stuck.

He took a syringe out of his jacket and put it in my neck.

I felt dizzy. Everything was running in front of my eyes. I fell on the ground and everything went black.

"Amelia, are you okay?" 

This voice sound familiar.


Who is the person Amelia heard?

What about Shawn? Is he already dead?

find out in the next chapter.

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