1. Coruscant - 2 BBY

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AN: I cut this part in two, since it would be wayyy too long all in one. 


A place for diplomats, and anyone who doesn't mind living without nature. The Galactic City encompassed the entire planet, leaving no room for any new nature to take hold. The natural life of the planet disappeared long ago, and was replaced with the cosmopolitan lifestyle of the city.

Except, it all wasn't good. The middle and lower classes were forced to stay in the lower levels of the city. Level one was uninhabitable. Level two and above up until five hundred were heavy in atmosphere. Fog and smoke from factories hung low here, making oxygen a scarcity. They were forced to suffer, while the upper class breathed in fresh air from the top of the five thousand floored city.

Cassian Andor hated this planet. He didn't like stepping foot on it. He watched people suffer, but couldn't help. He never understood how the rich could do this. Cassian pushed his negativity aside as he strode up the walkway to the Senate Office Building. The building was extremely large, white, and dome shaped. Security troopers marched around the entrance at times. He was just glad he was wearing a black Imperial uniform.

Slipping past security was the easy part. Most of the senators were either out to lunch, or off planet for other events. The mission seemed simple enough. Sabotage the senators that were noticing key hints of rebellion support, and get the hell out of there. Maybe...just maybe...things wouldn't go awry this time.

He glanced down the long, pristine marble halls and followed the map inside his mind. He had memorized the map of the offices so he could get in and out swiftly. Cassian strode down the hall with confidence, head held up high. His hands swayed at his sides every few moments, only to be corrected seconds later. Straight to my sides, eyes forward. Can't draw suspicion.

Cassian looked around the hall, finding it empty. Arriving at lunch time really paid off. He put a little camera bug in the middle of a crease in the wall to monitor the hall. That way, if anyone were to be coming, he would know it by looking at a portable screen he had. Courtesy of one of the bounty hunters he encountered a few years back. He touched the screen next to the door to get inside of the office, only to find the door unlocked. His eyebrows knit together in confusion. He had been the only one on this mission. It doesn't make sense that the senator would leave their office door unlocked. Cassian reached inside his tunic for his gun, but stopped himself. I could be walking in on the senator. Best not make any moves I'll regret. He fixed his uniform before walking inside, calm and collected.

That was, until, he found a woman sitting at the senator's desk, rummaging through files.

Cassian surged forward, nostrils flared, but voice hushed, "What do you think you're doing?"

Talia Revik whipped out her small blaster pistol without hesitation and aimed it at him. She dropped what she held onto the desk, but didn't take her oak brown eyes off of him. The cap on her head moved slightly, but was held in place by her tight bun. Her lips formed a tight line. Her heart rate sped up, and her free hand shook lightly. I don't want to kill you. Don't give me a reason. She thought she said this out loud, but the words wouldn't make it passed her throat.

Talia clenched her free hand as she slowly made her way around the desk. She had to run. Now. Chances were, he was an Imperial. He would report this up to chain of command, but by the time that happened, Talia would already be off planet.

Cassian didn't say anything. He was too busy studying her. Small blaster pistol. Looking through a senator's files. The sudden intensity that was set off when she saw him. She's not supposed to be here, and whoever sent her put a lot of pressure on her shoulders. She'd rather report failure than die trying. Cassian eyed her pressured ghost white hand. She's unsteady. Trying to keep her composure. She doesn't want to kill me, but if I make the wrong move, she'll shoot.

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