My Insanity

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I realized that I didn't need him.

You weren't there for me either.

Not even the others.

I was alone.

Trapped in my own insanity.

In which YOU all made.

I see you talking with everyone else.

But, not to me.

You hate me, don't you?

I don't wish for another glance.

I don't wish for you to be there for me.

I don't wish for you to rub salt in the wound.

I don't wish for you to hurt me.

I wish for you to leave me, the fuck alone.

I wish for you to feel the pain I went through.

For you to suffer through my hell!

.... I'm sorry....

I always had to conceal my feelings so everyone doesn't hate me...

I'm just a puppet to them, do this, do that, "Oh Alice, what do you want to do? Oh! I know, we could go to the library and study!!"

"Yeah, sounds good" My answer.

Even though I don't even want to study. You know I'm a free spirit, I don't WANT to be stucked in the room, and look out to see everyone laughing, playing, having fun!

But if I say no, you will just get mad.

I'm greedy.





And un-talented.

I wouldn't disagree with someone if they said "Alice is such a slut. She's WAYYY worse than Miyuki"

Miyuki and I have the same personalities, genius!

.... I take it back...

I do want you to suffer through my pain.

Know that, you just killed a person.

A classmate.

A complete stranger.

How can you call someone your friend, if you don't even know about them?

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