Continuation Of My Life

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      If you don't care about my life, or anything, skip to the next chapter. Alright? I promise to update more, as this is pretty unfair.

For those people who read my 'help' chapter, I guess you could say this is a continuation. Don't worry; I'll try to keep this chapter short.

      Some people were saying how much of an asshole Aiden was. And honestly, from what I recall, he was pretty nice. Kind. Yes, we had a fair amount of moments where we both were assholes (mostly me) but I just couldn't stand reading how people I assume he was an asshole. Although, I'm the one at fault as I didn't write what kind of person he was, so I apologize.

Ah, so some people told me to ignore him, one told me to be formal, acknowledge his existence. But... I just avoided him. Like I have been doing for the past years. Oh Lord... heh... I tried to talk to him last Friday. I planned everything out, and all.

Only... when I was approaching him, my heart was pounding. I was scared. For what? I don't know. I just gave up. Such a big mistake... I tried again today. But I didn't find him at all. 

      I regret it a lot. Oh Lord. My classmates keep on teasing me about me liking him. Only, I don't know how I feel. I've been numb of feelings for so long, of all the pain. Now that school has ended, I wished that I would find him next year.

But... this is the last year he'll be in this country. Or I believe. The reason why I'm writing this? To explain that he isn't an asshole. In all honesty, I want to contact him, yes, but I can't. My heart beats so fast when I try. 

I swear, I'm starting to believe I like him. I have a feeling he doesn't want to keep in touch. But I should at least try... right?

      Sorry for wasting your time,

Thank you for reading. Good day.

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