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It wasn't your fault, I know it wasn't. But I can't help but think how much of a backstabber you are.

After four years you threw our friendship out the window, after everything was crashing down on me.

You stepped out of the way and left me to bleed through the stab wound you left in my chest.

I forgave you for that, but when I saw you had moved onto someone else- my bully as your new best friend, I could stand it.

I cut for the first time then. The pain was too overwhelming, and I just had to do something to stop the pain running through my head. So I cut and bled and thought 'this isn't so bad. I should do this more often.'

And then you betrayed me once again. You told my family about my cuts and I got my laptop confiscated, leaving me alone with anyone online- where my real friends lie- to help me through the hell you decided to put me through.

Once I thought nothing could get better, you come back running to me.

Saying how you were my best friend, how much I mean to you. Bullshit.

      Don't be surprised when I gave you the cold shoulder. Don't be surprised when I glared at you and cut things off.

You had your chance on redemption, but you didn't take it.

So just fuck off.

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