Dear Teacher.

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Dear Teacher,

I hate it when you put us through group projects. You need to learn sometimes that even young students hate being in groups.

I hate it when you let us do presentations. You need to learn that some students have anxiety.

I hate it when you don't listen to why some of us don't have our homeworks.

We might've been suffering through our pain that no one could get us out, so we cried until we slept.

I hate it when you don't let your students fall asleep when we were up all night, crying our god damn eyeballs out.

I hate it when you set us up in groups.

Can't you see how much you're paining me!? I get left alone in a group project because of my anxiety! Everyone is walking around the room, finding partners while I sit in the lonely corner, curled up.

~ Signed, your student.

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