So what?

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Call me insane.

Call me stupid.

Call me ugly.

Call me fat.

Call me a slut.

Call me a copy-cat.

Call me the blamer.

Call me the attention seeker.

My mind is corrupted, what do you expect? I wonder, who made me like this in the first place. Yet, you come and act like you did nothing. I still call you my 'friend' because I don't have anywhere else to  go. Believe me, if the school didn't have group projects then I would be long gone.

I'm insane, sure. I used to be sane, until you made me snap. You broke my trust, you betrayed me. So what? If you didn't break me, then I would be fine. Yet, you broke me dearly.

I hope you are happy. You won my certificate of being the best friends I could ever wish for. Obviously, I meant the worst. I hope you have fun looking at the trophy of my dead body, because I sure will have fun looking at your reactions.

See you all in hell tonight.

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