The Way and The Desire Part Two

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You couldn't believe your ears. Did Vegeta actually agree to marry someone he doesn't know for the better of the company? You took a deep breath before you decided that it was okay to speak.

"Vegeta I... I don't know what to say... "

"Then don't. This is my choice." You glare at him.

"But you barely know these people." You try to keep your voice calm, you didn't want Vegeta to know that you were upset.

"I know this Y/N, but just think... this company can strive and become better than it already is."

"So you're only doing this for the money? Throwing your love life away for some stranger with a contract for the money?"

"Look Y/N... " Vegeta sighs before continuing. "I know that you're protective of me when it comes to these kinds of things but you have to understand that this... can bring our dream to a whole new level and the only way to do that would be through this." You sigh, there's just no way to win with this stubborn man. He thinks you were being protective and maybe you were but it was for good reason. You knew that you didn't have a chance with Vegeta, you never did but that didn't mean you would let just any girl come into his life without getting through you first.

"Fine. If you think that this is for the best then fine, you do whatever you want just don't bring her near me." He smiled and shook his head.

"Always the overprotective friend huh?" You shrug your shoulders and get up from your seat, Vegeta watching you the whole time.

You just smile slightly and head over to the door, you needed to get out of there.

"Just because I'm marrying whoever this woman is, doesn't mean I'm actually going to do anything with her. It's just for show you know?"

"Maybe you two might actually fall in love, maybe you'll finally be happy for once." With that you leave, not giving Vegeta the chance to say anything else. You clocked out at the front desk and exited the building, heading in the direction of your apartment. Your mind was in a haze as you entered your apartment, you weren't aware that you just kicked your shoes off and flopped onto the bed. It was as if you were on autopilot as your mind conjured up different scenarios of Vegeta and him marrying this lucky mysterious girl.

"I wonder if she's pretty... " You mutter to yourself. You hear your phone buzz and you reach into your pocket to retrieve it. Looking at the screen you see a new message from Vegeta.

Vegeta 12:45am; Hey, I know you aren't feeling me at the moment but I just wanted to say sorry. Maybe I should have spoken to you about it before I made the decision... goodnight Y/N. See you tomorrow?

You just sigh through your nose, typing in a quick 'Yes, good night' before turning off your phone and laying your head down on the pillows. As you drifted off to sleep you couldn't help thinking that you were too obvious with your feelings and you were afraid that Vegeta now suspected something.

The next morning...

You woke up with a massive headache, figuring that Vegeta would want to see you especially after yesterday, you got up and took an excedrin. 'That should help with the pounding' you though to yourself as you headed into your bathroom to take a shower and wash your mouth. You change your outfit to , changing your old clothes and heading to your kitchen. It was only then that you hear your phone ringing and you wondered briefly if it was only your alarm. Listening more closely you realize that it wasn't your alarm but in fact someone calling you. You hurry to your room, searching frantically for your device. Once you found it you saw that it was Vegeta who was calling you and now you were wondering if you were late again so you looked at the clock only to realize that you woke up actually an hour early.

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