The Way and The Desire Part Four Finale

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Sorry that it's so short Readers. Hope you all enjoy.

'How dare he try to take Y/N away from me! Screw Kakarot, I'll show him what it means to... '

"Vegeta Wait!" Vegeta didn't stop, he kept going until he was outside then he blasted off into the air not really caring if you saw or not.

"Vegeta!" You call one last time but Vegeta was gone by the time you got outside. You didn't know what was going on but you were determined to find out so you quickly wave down a cab and get in.

"Take me to D/J now!"

Time skip...

You throw a couple of 5 dollar bills the driver's way before bolting out the car, heading into Goku's building.


"He went that way." You mutter a quick 'Thank you' at Videl as you pass her desk to get to the stairs. You don't know how long it took you to get to the top but once you did you were out of breath and your legs were tired and aching. You head over to Goku's office where you hear the loud yelling coming from. You open the door to find Vegeta grabbing a fist full of Goku's shirt in his hand glaring at the brute as Goku just looks innocent.

"But Vegeta... I don't understand why you're so angry with me I... "

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHY!" Vegeta pushed Goku until he was up against the wall, his eyes a glowing turquoise. It was then that you noticed Vegeta's normal black hair was blonde. You couldn't help but look at him up and down. The golden aura that surrounded him, his fierce and penetrating gaze, his beautiful once onyx eyes turned blue. His muscles seemed to get bigger in this current state as well, your hands aching to feel them.

"You always have to be better than me, always taking what is mine but no more Kakarot! I will not let... "

"Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on!!!!!" You yell over the two males, both looking at you as if they were a deer caught in headlights. Vegeta let's go of Goku but doesn't end his glaring, Goku looks at you and smiles sheepishly.

"Ah well, me and Vegeta were just having a uh chat you know? Like old buddies."

"That's bullshit and you know it Goku. Now would either of you kindly explain why Vegeta looks different?" Vegeta froze and looked away, it was as if he was afraid of what you might think of him if you knew the truth and Goku noticed it.

"Well Vegeta is something you people might call an Alien. You see he... WE aren't from Earth." You stare at him with a blank face.

"What?" Goku chuckled nervously.

"Me and Vegeta... we're Saiyans. A race of mighty warriors built for fighting. The reason he looks different now is because he turned Super Saiyan, something that happens when we saiyans get angry or something." You nod, taking it all in before laying your eyes on Vegeta's back. You walk up to him, loving the heat radiating off of him and placing your hand on his back, feeling him tense up. The aura wasn't hot enough to harm you which you thought it would. It was actually just that perfect type of warmth that seemed to seep deep within the layers of your body.



"Why did you keep this from me?" He sighs but doesn't relax or look at you. With you two focused on one another, Goku takes the time to escape the room.

"I thought you would ate me."

"Why would I hate you?"

"Because I'm different."

"Vegeta look at me... " He slowly and hesitantly looks at you over his shoulder.

"Just because you're a Saiyan that comes from another planet doesn't mean I'm going to hate you. You were always there for me when I needed someone, you are my best friend Vegeta, Alien or not." You grab his shoulders and turn him around so that he can look at you fully. Once he does, you let your hands rest on his beautifully sculpted biceps.

"You're serious? You don't care?" You nod.

"I think it's kind of cool actually, proves my theory that I made in science class all those years ago." That gets him to crack a smile, letting a chuckle slip passed his lips as he calms down and turns back into a regular Saiyan you suppose.

"You started a whole arguement over that, it took the whole period."

"Yeah but you speaking up could have helped me win that argument and make me look less crazy." Vegeta smiles at that before looking down at your hands that were on his arms. You will your heart to calm down as he looks back up at you, a look in his eyes that you don't recognize.

"Are you going to tell me about that guy you like?" You shake your head, chuckling at his disappointed face.

"Come on Y/n, I wanna know!"

"Maybe one day Vegeta." He sighs but chuckles afterward, reaching up and grabbing your hands gently. Looking deeply into your E/C eyes.

"I need to tell you something Y/n... something I should have told you a long time ago." Your heart was beating so fast, you thought that it would burst out your chest any minute now. Just before Vegeta could finish, a shrill voice called out for him.

"VEGETA! WHERE ARE YOU!!??" You see him cringe and looks at the doorway just as Bulma walks in.

"Oh honey, where have you been? I stopped by your job and the midget told me you had left. Why are you with her?"

"Oh you came just in time."

"Wha... ?" Vegeta cuts her off by looking at you and smiling a small smile.

"Y/N... I just wanted to say that I have loved you for a long time. Ever since we met you have been the only person that I adore and... even though you love another I'm still here for you. I just wanted you to know that." You were probably the equivalent to a gaping fish when he was done, bulma had left in the middle of his speech with a heavy heart full of jealousy. You stared at him, trying to figure out if this was one of his many pranks but it wasn't. His eyes held sincerity, you couldn't deny that.

"Vegeta I... don't know what to say...."

"Don't say anything." You moved away, looking out the window over the city that shined brightly under the night sky.

"All these years I lived on thinking that you would never love me... never notice me in that kind of light yet here you are telling me differently."


"I always thought you would view me as your friend and nothing more... that I would always be on the sidelines, watching as you grew up and married someone else."

"Y/n... "

"I never expected... never even thought that there was a possibility that you could love someone like me back... " You stop your rambling when two strong arms circle around your waist, pulling you close to a hard chest.

"Well believe it because I do." That sexy husky voice of his spoke in your ear, sending chills down your spine. You muster up the courage to turn around and hug him, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing him close. Vegeta breathes in your delicious scent of vanilla, holding onto you tighter and closer. You then move back a little to look into his eyes, those onyx eyes looking at you with such adoration that it made your heart melt with happiness.

"May I?" You nod and he leans down to softly press his lips against yours, both of your getting that shiver of pleasure down your spines. He pulls away all too quickly, much to your disappointment and you pout cutely.

"Why'd you stop?" Instead of waiting for his answer you lean up on your tiptoes and place your lips more firmly against his. He lets out a moan as you run your fingers through his hair, playing with the strands of his flame like hair as his hands wander up and down your sides and back lovingly. You pull away again when your lungs screamed for oxygen, looking deeply into each other's eyes.

"I love you Y/N." You smile.

"I love you too Vegeta."

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